Tuesday 25 March 2014

This and That

Yesterday we had lovely weather and I puttered outside. Today it has been raining so off to the thrift store I went but had no luck there. Back home I decided to read some blogs. Someone mentioned Carrot Cake Scones. Hmmm. That sounded interesting so I looked up some recipes ( there were lots!!)  and found most of them were just regular scone recipes with grated carrot added as well as raisins and cinnamon. Oh yes, brown sugar instead of white was often used.  The dough was quite sticky  but the results are very tasty indeed. The only thing I'd do different would be to add more sugar next time. I used half a cup for a recipe using 3 cups of flour. I'd add a full cup next time.

My mini daffodils have shot up and all the buds are now open. I find them so cheery!!

The bunch of cut Daffodils are also fully open now and won't last long but are so sweet and cheerful

My Morning Glory seeds have sprouted and are looking good. The three little pots on the left have Columbine seeds that I got from a neighbour but somehow I don't think they'll germinate.

You have to look real hard to see that a few Sweet Pea seeds have started peeking out.  I hope they'll grow well this year. Last year I had very sad looking Sweet Peas and there weren't even enough to make a bouquet to bring inside.
So that's what I'm up to today. How about you?          Granny M.

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