Saturday 14 June 2014

Saturday's treasures

Oh the fun I had at a garage sale this morning. The woman whose gs it was handed people a plastic bag on arrival and said "Fill this for two dollars".  This was my 'haul".  Those of you who love a good deal will understand my joy.  It was like Christmas morning!!

 This Beatrix Potter Album is especially apt because I just finished reading a biography of B.P. I won't use it as an album but love it for all the pictures inside.

 These readers were published in 1953 and had a (store) sale price on them that said .03.

 These adorable baby dresses and sweaters will fit teddy bears.

           Don't you love the tiny talcum powder tin?

 This teddy bear immediately appropriated this pale yellow lacy dress. I think she looks cute and ready for summer.

Those are my treasures for today. Hope you are having a wonderful day too!

             Granny Marigold


  1. And what wonderful treasures they are! Beautiful! y.s.

  2. Oh my, I do believe I am turning green with envy. Lovely treasures, especially the old readers but it's the yellow child's tea set that has my heart! I can see why it felt like Christmas! Enjoy!
