Friday, 29 August 2014

This and that

Not much is happening here. Quiet. I cleaned the fountain that is on the front steps this morning then brought a few plants from the back to spruce things up a bit. I bought these two Canna Lilies during the week. Marked down to 1.98 each. I wonder if I'll be able to overwinter them. I hope so because they are so pretty in a tropical sort of way!

Went to a fund raising garage sale and found these lovely tea cups and odd saucers.  I paid a little more than I normally would but the money raised was for a good cause. I especially love the deep red cup ( Royal Albert)  which had no saucer but once I looked through my odd saucers I found a reasonable match ( if you don't look too closely).

Outside Walmart there is a big display of Spring bulbs. I chose  an assortment and will keep them cool until the end of September or even middle of October before putting them in the ground. The problem, if you wait too long to buy them,  the best choices are gone.

This is a long weekend for us, Labour Day on Monday. To me this marks the beginning of Fall. As a rule school would begin this Tuesday but BC teachers and the government are having a great deal of trouble coming to an agreement on a contract so I doubt that will happen.  My granddaughter ( 11) is not impressed because she is anxiously waiting for school to be back in session. The little man ,who starts kindergarten this year, is okay with being at home extra days before joining the ranks of  ":school kids".
  I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. I'll be back in September!!

                            Granny Marigold

Monday, 25 August 2014

Happy Monday

Sometimes I have more trouble thinking of a title for my post than the post itself. Today was one of those days. Anyway, I settled on Happy Monday before my allotted time here at my computer is gone!!  DH picked up another big box of cherries so there's work to be done.

I had a birthday last week and received lovely gifts from my children a few of which I wanted to share with you today. The first is a "sculpture" made by my talented older daughter out of scraps of wood molding she found as well as used copper wire from a stripped dryer cord. The metal gate came from Michael's but I think that is the only bought item. A friend of hers makes origami birds which you see in the close-up.

        I received this Botanical themed hardboard suitcase from one of my sons and DIL,

and this lovely tea cup from my youngest son and his girlfriend. It belonged to her grandmother. Aren't I fortunate to get such an heirloom?  
No pattern name beneath only that it is made by Hammersley.

 The aforementioned son and the delicious cake he brought. Doesn't he look formidable holding that knife?  *smile*     I am blessed to have a loving family. 

                                                               Granny Marigold

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Honey Farm

This morning we went with our DIL and grands to a honey farm and Country Store. It was quite interesting  and the store itself was a delightful mix of antiques and products for sale. It was an open house day and a bit crowded but we enjoyed it and DH bought a bottle of Blackberry Mead which we will save for our anniversary. Oh yes, I didn't mention that this place makes mead which is a type of "wine" made from honey. They have bottles of plain mead but also many many flavours all made with their own hone grown currants, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and crab apples.

I have more to tell you but that will have to wait. It is a sunny and warm day and I want to be out there enjoying it. Please leave a comment if you come by.      Granny Marigold 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Sunday, 17 August 2014

This and That

I just came inside after doing some dead-heading of Zinnias and cutting down Hollyhocks that had reached 7 or 8 feet and were now more or less finished blooming. I left some to self-seed, which they always manage to do. It's getting quite warm out and I'm glad to come in where it's much cooler.

Went to the fruit and veg. market this morning to buy what I need for the week and there were very ripe Apricots for  49 cents a pound. I took what there was ( only 3 pounds) but that was enough to make these jars of wonderful jam. 

Yesterday I had some luck at garage sales and got these bits and pieces . I love the dark pink Irises on what I assume are placemats although I'll use them as runners. The strangely shaped doily is a bun-basket liner ( or so the woman said) and has nice cross stitch detail.

What really caught my eye are these two crocheted pot holders. So much work has gone into making them. I will find a spot to hang them where I can enjoy their beauty.  All this cost me two dollars!

Too bad this pic is blurry but you get the general idea of this 'rough' surfaced container with dragon flies and bees etc. on it. Maybe it's meant to be a honey pot.

 Then there's this candle holder made with heavy chain that has been welded in place. I think this will form part of a rustic autumn display!

 Quite different is this opaque vase wrapped with wire and a small bead decoration towards the bottom.
Everything was so inexpensive that I couldn't resist.

Only 2 more weeks left in August and although Fall is not officially here until September 23 to me Fall begins with the new month. 
Wishing everyone a great week.
              Granny Marigold

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Morning Walk

Every year around this time the mornings begin with mist and fog which makes for a mysterious atmosphere. Everything is shades of gray until the sun burns off the mist and we have a sunny afternoon. I love this time before the rainy days of winter begin. Soon I'll be bringing home hands full of autumn leaves to press in heavy books already bulging with leaves from other years. Here are some pictures I took while on my walk today.

We are so fortunate to live within easy walking distance of this small lake right in the middle of town.  It's a walk that is never quite the same as the day before. I am finding that I get very tired as I get to about 2/3 of the way around and I may have to modify my walk to be a bit shorter. But I can do that and not have to miss out on the quiet beauty, maybe do one 'side' one day and start in the other direction the next? I have to try to know when half my energy is gone so I can turn around and head for home.
       Here's to late summer days!     Granny M.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Thrifty Tuesday

I had a leisurely time browsing at the thrift store this morning. I found a few treasures but when I got home and changed my clothes ( I was wearing slacks and wanted something cooler) I found I had two large smudges on my bum, as if I'd sat on something dirty. I don't know at what point it happened but I sure hope I wasn't walking around the store like that!!!

The first 'treasure' is a pretty creamer about four inches high,  with a lightly patterned brown bottom, a gold band separating it from the creamy top that  has flowers painted on it. There are some numbers on the bottom, nothing else.

This pretty tea cup had no saucer so was marked at 1.99 and Tuesday is Senior's discount day so I got an additional 30% off. Couldn't leave it there.   Roses encircle the top. There is also a gold band at the very top and around the pedestal base, and the handle.  Sorry the picture is a bit fuzzy.

This next piece is not a plate because it's perfectly flat and thicker than a plate would be. I'm thinking it's a trivet. In any case it is hand painted in Spain and I love the intense colours.

Fall is coming and although now the days are too warm for comfort soon I'll be wanting to wrap a cozy blanket around my shoulders. Never mind that I already own more than a few, this snowflake fleece blanket is so incredibly soft I gave in and bought it.
Those are my finds of the day. I'm especially happy to have found them because garage sales have been somewhat disappointing this summer.  Thankfully thrift stores exist. There are at least 5 in our town and I try to visit them all from time to time.  Today's is the one I like the most and where I usually have some luck.   Happy Tuesday!      Granny Marigold

Monday, 11 August 2014

Summery Monday

Yes, it sure is summer weather. I think we're breaking the record for high temps today.  Just to step out the door is to hit a wall of heat!  In spite of this I had the bright idea of using the oven. We had bought cherries yesterday at super low price and they were very ripe. I made a lovely cherry and custard pie ( except that I made it in an 8 X 8 square pan instead of a pie plate like the recipe specified).  Also made four lovely jars of cherry jam which will taste so good .
   Here are just some of the cherries we got.


The tea towel hides the corner where I cut a piece out before I remembered that I wanted to take a picture. That's what heat will do to your brain.

                    It's so hot that rose petals crisp up and become pot pourri overnight .

Tomatoes love this weather and we are enjoying their wonderful flavour. These are "Early Girl" which tends to have small fruit but is an early producer.

Time to have some more ice tea and maybe start another library book.  Is it hot where you live?

                Granny Marigold

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Paper "shops"

I really don't know what to call this "card" I bought for fifty cents. It opens up to a row of cute shops. When closed it can be tied with the ribbons attached to each end. I have it sitting in the sunroom and it amuses me so it is worth the small amount I paid. When I get tired of it I can take it to the thrift store and someone else can have fun with it.  Most probably a child because not many women would appreciate its cuteness. What do you think?

The little girl in me loves the detail. I think this will stay up for a good long while. I do have to use a bit of tape to keep it from flying off because the overhead fan blows right above it and as long as this heatwave continues it stays on.   Hope you're having a great weekend and keeping cool.
            GRANNY M.