Saturday, 24 October 2015
A Sad Story
This post is decidedly different from my usual kind but this blog is about me and my life so... this story has been on my mind all day. I will share it with you.
This morning my DH and I went to a few garage sales before heading to the mall. The first one we went to was all Christmas stuff. Lots of Christmas stuff. I got talking with the woman whose gs it was and she told me that her husband had complained and griped for 40 years because she celebrated Christmas. Actually, she said he hated any kind of "fuss" made. No Easter "fuss", no birthday "fuss". She said she was so tired of his negativity that she was giving up. I didn't quite know how to respond. I told her how sorry I was. I felt like saying a lot more about her miserable spouse but it wasn't my place to do so.
It's so hard to understand why some people are the way they are, isn't it? They deprive themselves and those around them of all joy by being miserable.
I hope I haven't depressed you too badly by sharing this. I almost feel I should delete this post.
Granny Marigold
Why delete, it was something interesting, and sad, that happened to you today. The man has the perfect right to feel that way, but he doesn't have the right to impose his views on anyone else. I feel sorry for his wife, I wish she had stuck to her guns. Reminds me of an older lady that I used to talk to at the market. She would come and visit our dogs there. She loved dogs, and said she would love to get a little one of her own, but her husband wouldn't let her. It wasn't that he was allergic, he just didn't want to have a dog around. I thought it was sad, here was this lady, who had wanted a dog for years and her husband wouldn't agree to one. How kind it would have been of him to 'give in' and finally let her get that dog while she was still capable of looking after one.
ReplyDeleteHope you found some good GS buys! We went to one just around the corner. Advertised to start at 9. They had big gates across their driveway, so I was hoping that they would actually not open them until 9. We got there about 8:50, and it was obvious that they had been open for a while. So frustrating.
Sounds like she should be getting rid of the husband rather than the Christmas stuff! What misery guts he sounds.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you posted this. Makes me appreciate having a husband who likes the holidays, except for working in a grocery store, which is a pain. He likes the house decorated and family coming home and exchanging gifts. Forty years is a long time to put up with a husband like she has. "Miserable spouse" is right!
ReplyDeleteThat IS sad. I don't get why some spouses HAVE to have their own way. Something is terribly wrong when one is so insistent and such a party pooper.
ReplyDeleteDear G.M. Thank you for sharing this story, sad as it is. It puts our gripes into perspective, doesn't it? I can not imagine how depressing this Christmas will be for this poor woman who will now have nothing to anticipate or brighten the season, seeing how mean spirited her spouse is. I do however have an idea....why not share her address with some friends and family, no matter how far away, with those of us who would love to send a little Christmas treat to her. Don't you think that some unexpected cards and small gifts arriving from here and there would bring joy to her when she needs it the most? And don't we all feel sometimes that we would like to make a difference in someone's lives, however small.
I don't feel I should actually share her address but you've given me a good idea. I don't know her name but I have her address and near Christmas I can drop off a card or whatever addressed to "the lady of the house".
DeleteHi! Doesn't it make you wonder why he feels that way. I am thankful my hubby does not feel that way. Enjoy your fall season! Nancy
ReplyDeleteOh that is so sad! Can't imagine this lady's emptiness. But maybe she needed someone to listen and understand her feelings and you were there. Just listening is a gift - and maybe you did more for her than you may ever realize.
ReplyDeleteNo G.M. don't delete it. It is so sad that the lady has to live like that. After 40 years of it I can see why she would give up.