We went to a garage sale this morning and found a very nice stainless steel range hood. We had planned to change our old one which DH built back when our cupboards were new. It was made of oak as are the cupboards but it was time to change it. This one even has lights which our old one did not.
Our two younger sons came to help and the three of them were busy doing a bit of 'remodeling' which always seems to be necessary when changing almost anything when my DH got one heck of a shock...the electrical kind. Both boys were horrified that he hadn't bothered to flip the breaker. I think all three were so relieved that DH was okay and it all ended in great hilarity. I would have liked to make a video of the whole thing. I thought I just had to share this slice of life in this household!!
Here they arehard at work figuring out how to fit the new hood in. I think this was before the shocking episode!
Saturday, 29 June 2019
Thursday, 27 June 2019
We finally had some rain. Yesterday my Hydrangeas looked like this....
...today they look like this.
They just can't hold their heavy heads up when they become soaked. We had tied rope around each plant but it wasn't enough. G.M.
...today they look like this.
They just can't hold their heavy heads up when they become soaked. We had tied rope around each plant but it wasn't enough. G.M.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
This and That
We went raspberry picking! I've been eating so many and I'm still not tired of them. Of course I made some jam and also froze some for winter. I think I'll make some scones later. I think fresh raspberry jam on scones would be delicious.
These cherries came from the market...
...as did these veggies. They're destined to become soup for our supper.
I have a nice crop of Basil growing on the windowsill. I find the leaves are so much more tender than Basil grown outside. I don't need a lot ( DH doesn't like the taste of it at all) so if it's close at hand I can pick as many leaves as I need so easily.
I've been cutting Lavender and tying it in little bundles, hanging them to dry. I found light lavender ribbon and have begun wrapping the stems and making a bow. I'm sure my girls will want some.
That's all that's happening around here.
Thanks for coming by, G.M.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Morning Walk
Bunnies were cavorting about when we walked this morning. They seem quite used to people going past.
Hedge Bindweed is busy covering fences and bushes. So pretty but so very invasive. The internet describes it as a herbaceous perennial that twines around other plants in a counter-clockwise direction.
It is related to the Morning Glory that we grow in our gardens but that one is an annual. However in my yard it self-seeds and pops up in strange places, like the gravel area!
The lake continues to be covered in Water lilies. These geese appear to be "caught" among the foliage.
Around the house today it's laundry day and since it's not raining I plan on going out to pull a few weeds and do some dead heading of the roses that are along the driveway.
I hope you're having a good day. G.M.
Hedge Bindweed is busy covering fences and bushes. So pretty but so very invasive. The internet describes it as a herbaceous perennial that twines around other plants in a counter-clockwise direction.
It is related to the Morning Glory that we grow in our gardens but that one is an annual. However in my yard it self-seeds and pops up in strange places, like the gravel area!
The lake continues to be covered in Water lilies. These geese appear to be "caught" among the foliage.
I hope you're having a good day. G.M.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
First Day of Summer!
I found this on the internet and thought it was interesting:
I always found it strange that the day which marks the beginning of the season of summer is called "mid-summer", which I understand would mean "middle of summer". While midsummer is on the summer solstice (June 20–21), the actual middle of summer would be about August 6, no?
No matter why it is called what it is , I'm just happy that it's here!
I hope you have a very special day! G.M.
My Lilies are blooming and I'm enjoying the various colours. The self-sown Lavender sort of hides this corner! There are also some volunteer Nasturtiums in among the Lilies but I don't have the heart to pull them out.
Alyssum and Thyme growing in the front of the bed.
The Daylilies are also starting to open. This one is Apricot Sparkles.
And there is a row of Stella d'Oro.
Unfortunately some of my Daylilies have been infested with the Gall Midge that causes the buds to be misshapen and full of the 'eggs' for next year's infestation. I have to go around and cut off the affected buds, seal them in a plastic bag and put them in the garbage.
We had a bit of a shower last night, just enough to freshen things up a bit but not enough to give the plants a decent drink. The forecast for next week is for rain so we'll wait and see if it happens.
Now the sun is breaking through the clouds and it looks like the rest of the day will be fair.
Thanks for visiting, G.M.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
This and That
I'm back! Company has left and life is back to normal again.
My flowers are enjoying the sunshine. I am having to do a fair amount of watering though. We haven't had a good rain for weeks!
The Deutzia looked very pretty for quite a while but now is beginning to fade.
Our very old Queen Elizabeth rose still provides some blooms to bring inside. It's the only rose we have that is not the shrub type.
Some baking has been done in spite of the warm days... buns and bran muffins.
Of course I have been at the thrift store and found a few lovely things such as this Sadler mug with its cute lid.
And these two 8" plates. I especially like the one on the right which is called, appropriately, Wild Brambles.
This small quilted piece was a dollar . I have such a hard time leaving handmade things behind.
It's Christmassy but that's okay. I'll begin using it next November if not sooner. I'm not sure if it's a small placemat or a large mug rug.
Isn't it amazing that we're already more than halfway through June? The calendar tells me that Friday is the first day of summer but it feels like we've had summer for weeks already.
Thanks for stopping by today,
Sunday, 9 June 2019
Morning Walk and My Rock
It happens every year. The water lilies multiply and clog the lake.
A mother Mallard and her babies rest on a private dock.
This very old Rose bush has climbed up and over a cedar tree . I'm very surprised the city workers haven't come to trim it back because it has reached the power line.
Look at the blue sky and summer clouds!
This bunny didn't stay around for long. Right after I snapped his picture he took off.
And finally, here are some pictures of my pink rock. One of my sons said he thought it might be
rhodochrosite but I really don't know what it is. Anyone have a guess?? It's quite large and heavy too.
I had a lovely quiet weekend. My week will be different because DH's sister will be visiting and that means family will be coming by throughout the week to spend time with her. Lots of family get-togethers means I may have less time to visit blogs but I'll try my best.
Have a great week!
Thanks for coming by, GM
Saturday, 8 June 2019
Garage Sale Finds
We took the grands and went to some garage sales this morning. We found quite a few and most had great prices as well as super friendly people ( sellers).
Here are a few of my finds:
These three will be hung on the porch.
Books were .50. I really wanted to buy them all but restrained myself. I'm pretty sure a couple of the ones I bought lean toward "new age" but at my stage of life I'm not about to be much affected by any philosophy not in line with my beliefs. I guess I just love to read. Did you notice that the Poems Past and Present is a 1946 edition?
This little book has wonderful pictures and the magnifying glass is so unique I had to buy it.
The lit-up pumpkin will be put away until Autumn. The urn is perfect for something. Not sure just what. My credo is 'if I like it and it's cheap, I buy it."
This glass flower ornament was FREE. I couldn't believe no one had taken it before I got there. I have admired them on various blogs, now I have my own.
I hope I haven't bored you too much. I enjoy garage sales and thrift stores so much and tend to think others must as well. Incidentally, the grands found all manner of treasures too. M is still at that cute, adorable stage and whenever he wanted to buy something the seller would either give it to him outright or at least slash the price in half. I used this to my advantage ( shamelessly) when I wanted a very large pink rock or crystal that the woman selling it said was worth $50. I had M go ask her how much it was and she said for him it would be FIVE dollars. Hmmm. Guess who gave him the fiver to pay for it.
Thanks for visiting today, GM
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
This and That
Poppies are blooming!!
I couldn't resist taking a picture of this old truck which was parked down the street.
Our power was off yesterday morning. I had started doing laundry but didn't get far. Apparently the power pole needed replacing. Something to do with the large house being built next door.
Here's my comfy swing ( with my rabbit's cage in the background). It's all under cover so I can sit here and watch the rain. Which we haven't been able to do for a while and it is getting quite dry!!
DH built this glider swing a number of years back. It doesn't get as much use as it used to when the kids were at home.
I didn't have much to write about but I did want to do a post.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!!