Saturday, 31 August 2019

What I'm Reading and What I've Baked This Week

When the summer temperatures are just too hot to do much I get more reading done than when it's cool.  I had this first book on my stack of books-to-read for some time. I've watched YouTube videos of Hannah Hauxwell and it was pleasant to read about her life.

Someone ( can't remember who) mentioned this book on her blog so I requested it from the library.  I'm not sure if I enjoyed it or not. In fact, I'm not completely convinced that all the awful things she writes about in her life could possibly have happened. But then I suppose I tend to be skeptical by nature.  If you've read it please tell me what you thought of this book.

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is pure fiction but it's a book I own, have read before, and am enjoying it every bit as much this time.  It's a young adult book and an easy read. I highly recommend it.

We've had a few cool days and I've already posted about my pies....

...but I also baked raisin bread ( it makes wonderful toast)  and I tried my hand at Vegan Chocolate Cookies.  They're moist and yummy ( I had my doubts) and I intend to keep some in the freezer for when my oldest grandson brings his girlfriend over. Twice she's come when I didn't expect her and I literally had nothing vegan that I could offer her to eat.  That won't happen again. I also got a Granola Bar recipe that is vegan... haven't tried that one yet.

Something I'd like to comment on here and that's the problem I'm having with the "verify" boxes that  are popping up on some blogs.  With my eyesight getting worse I cannot see well enough to click the right boxes and am frustrated with posting my comment.  I'll still be following your blogs, even if you have those, but won't necessarily be able to comment.

Happy Last Day of August!!


Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Tomato Galette and a sign

Yesterday I made a tomato galette for supper. I found the recipe on  Barefoot Mom's blog. If you  visit Debi's blog you'll see her galette which was far nicer looking than mine. Those of you who know me well  will suspect that I changed the recipe. I pre-roasted my tomato slices and another change was spreading a thin layer of mayo on the crust before the cheese.  I did not expect my DH to like it so I also made other things he enjoys but to my surprise he actually said he would happily eat this "tomato pie" again.

I used a disc of my own pie dough ( from the freezer)  and since I made such a small savoury pie ( I used an 8 inch pie plate) I had enough dough  to make a rustic cherry pie as well. Cherry pie is DH's fav.  ( I just used a can of cherry pie filling).

My oldest daughter has been blessed with talent such as I do not have. She has made many of the leaded stained glass windows and other smaller items that hang in my windows.  The latest thing she made for me is this stencilled sign which DH glued on to a board which fits exactly into the tray over my stove. The tray has tiles that show a rooster and hens. This sign is removable so I can go back to my original tray any time.

It's another hot day here, 30C which is the high 80's...too warm for my comfort. I'm so thankful for the portable A/C which we bought for the enclosed porch.  Last year I was unable to be out there any sunny summer day because the large windows ( facing South) made it unbearable. Now with the A/C and a fan to distribute the air over to where my swing sits I can be comfortable in my favourite spot.

Thanks for coming by,   GM

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Teacup Tuesday

A little different Teacup Tuesday this week because the teacups I'm showing were in a shop my DH and I visited last Thursday.  Because it was my birthday we spent a good part of the day gallivanting about.  Nothing useful was accomplished but we had a lovely day. I was appalled at the prices that the teacups were marked at.  I'd say $45 was about the average price.  I saw many that I admired but didn't buy any.  I'm more a thrift store shopped and  $5 or less is what I prefer to pay.
The last 2 photos have the cups I most admired.  I even spotted a couple that I already have.

Thanks for coming by. 

                Granny Marigold

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Wordless Wednesday...1,2,3,4,5 Sparrows

Happy Wednesday!

Thanks for visiting today,

Granny Marigold

Friday, 16 August 2019

More bits of This and That

It seems inevitable that there's always a back corner of the yard that looks less than lovely. DH put up a piece of plywood then painted it and the bright blue water barrel with some charcoal paint he had.
With the watering cans hanging there it looks a bit more presentable. ( Behind the plywood is where the lawn mower, generator, etc. are kept).

I froze more summer savoury. I tie it in bunches the size I will need for a pot of soup.

Tomatoes are at their best right now. Our 4 plants supply us with more than enough.

I put up a Fall decoration on the front door. I'm aware that I'm rushing the season but I'm tired of Summer and the heat and drought.

Thanks for visiting today. Have a delightful weekend.


Tuesday, 13 August 2019

A bit of everything

Just one tea cup and saucer to show you today. There were many that I resisted buying though! This is another "made in Japan" set.

I liked this little tray and I think I'll use it often. It's just the right size ( 6 X 12").
It was made in Romania.

                 I find this cup so pretty. The pattern is "Orchid" and it's made by Grosvenor.

The pole beans are still producing. These are Rattlesnake beans. Back when M was either in kindergarten or grade 1 each child planted one bean in a clear plastic cup so they could watch them grow. He brought his home and we planted it with the other beans. It produced a lot of beans and ever since we've kept some aside to sow for the next year.

The Japanese Anemones are blooming. They are so invasive that we have them in a bed between two sidewalks.  I've read that there's a pure white kind that is not as vigorous but haven't seen it around.

I discovered a Hollyhock growing in an odd corner and it's not a colour I've ever had.  In the picture the flower looks more cream and pink. Actually the cream part is quite yellow.  I'm definitely going to save the seeds.

Well, today's post is a bit of everything.

Thanks for coming by.
And a special thanks to those who leave a comment.

Granny M.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

This and That

The hardwood floor in our dining room needed to be sanded and given a couple of coats of varnish. Dh managed to do it in one day!  The varnish was applied 3 times, at 5 hour intervals. By this morning we were able to put the furniture back ( with the help of able-bodied sons).

DH has been cleaning up under the porch which I'm sorry to say has been a place to put things that we don't really know what to do with. He found some sleds which have been around forever. I remember pulling the grands around in them when they were little and we had snow.
I intend to put them up for sale. If they don't sell they'll go to the thrift store.

Same thing with these old bushel baskets. If I remember correctly I used the green ones to hold Christmas presents  way back when.

Our pole beans have decided to attach themselves to the Clematis.We're eating beans every day now and enjoying them. The season is just about over though.

I was stung by a wasp while on my walk last Tuesday. It stung me between the fingers of my left hand causing my hand to swell painfully. I don't like taking pills but after a day of putting up with the discomfort I gave in and took an antihistamine which helped. I had to take a second pill when the first one wore off. Now my hand is no longer swollen but very itchy.

That's what's happening around here. What's happening at your house?

Thanks for coming by today,   GM

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Teacup Tuesday

Another lovely morning followed by a very hot afternoon. I worked outside in the cooler part of the day then went to the thrift store to see what inexpensive treasures I could find.  Tuesday is also 30% off for seniors so it's the day to go.

This first teacup is an addition to my Japan collection. I love the scallops around the cup and the gold trim.

This cup with no saucer was also made in Japan. The outside is plain but the inside is hand painted.

This little set consists of a cup by Adderley and a small plate by Phoenix. I'm not a purist and it doesn't bother me to put the two together as a set. 

                   Another little gem, this one made by Colclough.

I did find one item that was not a teacup. This flower pot and saucer matches a couple of pots I already have and will fit in perfectly.

Now I'm going to go and find spots to put my finds.  Thanks for visiting today.

Granny M.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Morning Walk, House next Door, and a Fondue party

                            Scenes from my morning walk. It's nice to get out early before it gets too hot.

The house that's being built next door is almost finished. Yesterday the driveway was poured and today a 5' cedar fence is going up between our yard and theirs.  Our house ( on the left) is dwarfed by the new one.

The most important part of today was a fondue party for stuffies that M had requested.
I was happy that his big sister at 16 didn't consider herself too old to be a part of our little party.
I'd love to include pics of the grands but their parents don't want that so of course I won't.

That's been my day so far.  In Canada this coming Monday is a holiday so for any Canadian followers I wish you a happy long weekend.

Thanks for visiting,
