Saturday, 31 August 2019
What I'm Reading and What I've Baked This Week
When the summer temperatures are just too hot to do much I get more reading done than when it's cool. I had this first book on my stack of books-to-read for some time. I've watched YouTube videos of Hannah Hauxwell and it was pleasant to read about her life.
Someone ( can't remember who) mentioned this book on her blog so I requested it from the library. I'm not sure if I enjoyed it or not. In fact, I'm not completely convinced that all the awful things she writes about in her life could possibly have happened. But then I suppose I tend to be skeptical by nature. If you've read it please tell me what you thought of this book.
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is pure fiction but it's a book I own, have read before, and am enjoying it every bit as much this time. It's a young adult book and an easy read. I highly recommend it.
We've had a few cool days and I've already posted about my pies....
...but I also baked raisin bread ( it makes wonderful toast) and I tried my hand at Vegan Chocolate Cookies. They're moist and yummy ( I had my doubts) and I intend to keep some in the freezer for when my oldest grandson brings his girlfriend over. Twice she's come when I didn't expect her and I literally had nothing vegan that I could offer her to eat. That won't happen again. I also got a Granola Bar recipe that is vegan... haven't tried that one yet.
Something I'd like to comment on here and that's the problem I'm having with the "verify" boxes that are popping up on some blogs. With my eyesight getting worse I cannot see well enough to click the right boxes and am frustrated with posting my comment. I'll still be following your blogs, even if you have those, but won't necessarily be able to comment.
Happy Last Day of August!!
What a good grandma you are to bake vegan treats to keep in the freezer for your grandson's girlfriend. As for me, when I see any verify boxes for me leaving comments, I skip/ignore the boxes and just comment and my comments post anyway! Give it a try.
ReplyDeleteI tried it once and it didn't work so I kept checking boxes. Eventually I managed to post my comment but it's a hassle if you can't see well.
DeleteI am not familiar with any of those books, but I do know all about baking galettes! They are fun to make. Only one roll out.
ReplyDeleteI read Educated and thought it was a great book and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought the descriptions of the wild life and the marsh were wonderful. Read it for my book club and we all liked it.
ReplyDeleteKaren, what stuck with me most was the awful treatment she suffered from her family in general and her brother in particular.
DeleteYes, I know what you mean. Her family was just awful.
DeleteI love raisin bread toast, especially with a little sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. It's so kind of you to consider your guests' dietary needs, I'm sure she will love the cookies and your thoughtfulness.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about the verify boxes. One I saw the other day had me looking fire hydrants, and some of the photos were so tiny (distant) that I couldn't be sure what I was looking at, lol. When my kids were living here I just left it up to them to make their own vegan food. Mostly my daughter-in-law. It's nice of you to go out of your way for her. I also enjoyed the videos about Hannah Hauxwell. You've got me curious about "Educated". Have a good weekend. You guys don't do Labor Day, do you? :)
ReplyDeleteLisa, we do have Labour Day; I didn't know that the U.S. also celebrated it.
DeleteThe Hannah Hauxwell story looks like something I would enjoy, but since you expressed some doubts about it, I am not sure. Do the vegan cookies contain gluten (which I can't eat). Thanks for the info about the "verify" boxes. I may try doing without that; just thought it might keep the blog a little safer since I had some problems with my old blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I wasn't more clear about which book I was skeptical about. It was "Educated" not the one about Hannah H. There are interesting videos about her on YouTube as well.
DeleteIt is the second book, Educated that you are saying you are skeptical about, isn't it? I saw someone else that had read it and liked it. I can be skeptical, too. So you have really got me curious.
ReplyDeleteRose, if you read it I'd like to what you think.
DeleteVegan cookies who knew?? My Grandsons girl friend is vegan too dairy either ...who knows what I would feed her:(
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that the hot weather makes for good reading days. You may have seen "Educated" on my blog as I did mention it once. I found it almost unbelievable, yet fascinating at the same time. It is amazing to me that the author could rise above that type of upbringing to become so highly educated. I do think her parents were intelligent people. Sadly I believe her dad was dealing with serious mental illness that wasn't addressed.
ReplyDeleteYour baked goods look delicious.
oh those pies!!! and fun reads!!! I have not read the T W. book... based on what you said, don't know if I will....though it is popular, I saw someone on the train reading it even! check out my recipe page for "Fasting" recipes - they are vegan - and include various desserts! It's amazing how good vegan can be. Also egg replacement powder is a wonderful thing! :) You are a wonderful Grandmother! Also the verify boxes - at least on blogger - in my experience - I NEVER do any of the stuff, I just hit "publish" (or whatever) and it works! Have you considered getting something like a Chromebook with a touch screen? I make things bigger so I can read them better. If you want more info on that, just say the word! a big HUG and blessings on your September!
ReplyDeletethose pies....mmmmm, just saying. :) Baking weather coming up where I live. We'll all be closed up here soon, a chill in the air, I can light beeswax candles, bake and enjoy.Thank you for stopping over, enjoy your comments, and visiting your place.
ReplyDeleteIt’s so nice of you to make and freeze vegan treats for L! I know she will really appreciate that ❤️
I believe some of the things that Hannah lived through were at least awful in her own mind and experience. I don't think she ever tried to embellish it. I saw only one you-tube video, when she goes to London to accept an award, and I thought it was enjoyable to see that, even though she was not a very worldly person, she had a deep sense of who she was and didn't feel the need to change for fame or fortune. Just my thoughts. Phil
ReplyDeleteI have loved Hannah Hauxwell's videos on youtube and have watched them more than once. What a life she led! They say there was an outpouring of sympathy for her across Britain when the first video was released.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about those "verify" boxes that make you type little things in there. I hope my blogs is not one that is giving you trouble! I was confused a while back, about how exactly to set security on it so that spammers could not comment, without my friends having to jump through so many hoops. Send me an email and let me know if it's too difficult. I don't remember what I have set it for.