Thursday, 30 September 2021

Welcome October



 September left us on a day of rain. We're hoping now that the earth is saturated we can enjoy many days of sunshine before Winter sets in.  It's often hard to notice the difference between the rains of Autumn and the rains of Winter.  Some years we get snow but not until much later. Meanwhile the flowers still bloom even if they look bedraggled. The Dahlias I bought last week look fine because we've kept them under cover. Here's one of my favourite ones.  I have it on the porch.

My freezer seemed empty of sweets so I baked chocolate cupcakes and lemon scones. It's always nice to have something on hand to have with a cup of coffee or tea especially if one of the children or grands comes by.
Do you have plans for October?  

Thanks for visiting today. 

Granny M

Teacup # 10 by Paragon is called Antique Rose.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Altered Books


Blogger is giving me endless trouble today. I can't place pictures where I want them so I'm having to do things a bit differently .  Instead of ending my post with a teacup I'll have to insert it here.

Teacup #9  is a very delicate footed teacup made in Bavaria by Malmaison.


Have you heard of "altered books"?  The explanation that google gives me is that they are a form of mixed media artwork that changes a book from its original form to a different form altering its appearance.
Basically you take a book and draw, paint, or, in my case stick things over the original pages creating something new. I thought I'd show a couple of my pages. I had lots of fun making altered books, Smash books and Common Place books over past winters. Now I feel like I'm done that but who knows?

In both the pages below I've used old CD's which I've glued things onto. The first one also has a brooch ( pin)  stuck on. On the  second set of pages  I've used a key and an old necklace..

Thanks for coming by today,  GM

Saturday, 25 September 2021

This and That

 It's a fairly nice day and the temperature is in the low 20'sC.  A perfect day to putter outside ( which I've been doing).  Remember those Canna Lily seed pods I was thinking of collecting? Well, when we went for our walk the Parks crew were digging all the Cannas out in preparation for planting Spring bulbs.  I asked if I could have some ( they were just going to throw them away) so we carried them home. Must have looked odd but who turns their nose up when offered free plants?

On the subject of Hibiscus are both blooming!!  The one on the left has done so well since I bought it at Home Depot greatly marked down. This is the first time it has bloomed for me.

We made a quick trip to the plant shop this morning. I bought 2 more Dahlias, 3 small houseplants, and some Tulip and also Daffodil bulbs. The bulbs were available either from open bins or prepackaged.

I promised I wouldn't be in the store long so DH amused himself watching the various animals that  are in the fenced area next to the shop. Mainly goats and chickens.

Thanks for visiting today,   GM

Teacup # 8

Thursday, 23 September 2021




 The rain storm we had last week must have been too much for this neighbour's eaves troughs. The fascia board and all came down.

 On my walk I took some pictures of the houses that I pass on my way to the park. This is the latest one to be built.  The style is so boxy and not to my liking at all.  Look at all the reinforcement in the driveway. That's surely not going to crack no matter what gets parked on it.


The house above is across the street but one and the one below is right beside us.  To the left you can just see a corner of our house.

Enough about houses.  DH comes home later today and that will be great. I managed to get all the things done that I wanted to while he was gone. Now to keep things that way!

Here's another teacup. I believe it is # 7.

Thanks for coming by,  GM

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

First Day of Fall

 I know, I've been going on about how it's Fall already but officially I think it's the 22 this year.  

I went out earlier and looked at the moon. I forgot to yesterday but I doubt it could have been any more beautiful than it was today.

On my walk this morning I noticed that the Canna lilies in the park have these weird pods which I assume are their seed pods. I may cut a few of the brown ones and see if I can germinate them next Spring.  Anyone have any idea if it would work?

I brought more cherry tomatoes in today. I need to pick the Early Girl ones too but I'll do that tomorrow. We had such a lovely day today. 24C and a few summer clouds in that blue sky. When  you' live somewhere where it tends to be solid clouds for weeks on end you don't take clear skies for granted.  The forecast for the tomorrow is showers again.

Thanks for visiting, GM

teacup #6

Monday, 20 September 2021

Monday again


 Good Morning, Another week begins. It's cloudy but not raining today and I hope to go walking shortly.  It being Monday I'm doing laundry and later I hope to do one more of the tasks I had set for myself this week with my hubby gone. I left this one to the last because I've been dreading it. Making sense of a stack of photos from the past year which I haven't put into albums. Oh well, it will keep me busy and once it's done I'll try not to let things get into such a mess again.

Not much in the way of pictures this morning so I thought I'd show some pages from one of my Smash books ( much like scrapbooks in case you are not familiar with the term). I believe these were from the 1950's.  GM


  teacup #5


Friday, 17 September 2021

A Different Day


 It's a different day here. First of all the weather.  Our drought is definitely past and we're in for a day of heavy rain and strong winds.  Secondly, DH flew to spend a week with his family in Manitoba. I have lots of plans what I'm going to accomplish. It remains to be seen if indeed I'll do them. At least I won't be tempted to go putter outside because clouds and showers are in the forecast even after today's rain.

Something unusual yesterday. We were on our way home from Walmart and 3 deer ran out of a yard right onto the busy street. Fortunately none was hit but it's not often we see deer right in the city.


teacup #4

 Thanks for coming by. Hope your day is a good one.


Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Wordless Wednesday



Thanks for visiting today,  GM

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Fall comes to the Doll House

 Fall has come to the Dollhouse.


I took out the Fall things that I use every year to bring a touch of Autumn to the Dollhouse.

It feels very Fall-ish here today. Cloudy and cool with showers in the forecast. I hope you have a great day.  G.M.

 Tea Cup # 3


Saturday, 11 September 2021

Another Tea Cup


 Ellabie wondered if yesterday's tea cup was more terra cotta or maybe tangerine. This got me wondering just what colour it was so I found the paint chart that eldest daughter made for me last year around this time of the year so I could see what colours of leaves I could collect. Here's the chart....


...and here's the saucer up against the chart. I'd say Indian Yellow was the best match.

 Here's another of my Autumn tea cups, this one is by Royal Chelsea. The leaf and branch  pattern is raised.

I hope you're having a pleasant weekend. Thanks for coming by,  GM

Friday, 10 September 2021

Clouds, Cats, and a Tea Cup

 I took this picture yesterday when I walked. It was a lovely morning followed by a very warm and sunny afternoon. Today the weather has changed completely and it is cloudy and much cooler.

 When I walked in front of the house I glanced in and there was Meadow, one of the "downstairs" cats having a snooze on the window sill.  She is one of 3 rescue kitties that belong to middle son's family. Due to all my houseplants and hanging trinkets the door to "our place" is kept firmly shut!

 The tea cup today is one of my favourites. It's a less common colour and I love the single rose inside the cup. It is made by Paragon.

 Thanks for coming by,  GM