Monday, 9 May 2022


 We had a great time with our family yesterday.  At one point my DH and I were just sitting on the porch swing listening to youngest son playing his guitar and his sisters singing along. Sheila saw us and snapped a picture.

 One of the gifts I received was this gazing ball on a stand.  I know gazing balls are meant to be put in a flowerbed but I think I'll keep mine on the porch. I will try to find a spot that gets sunshine though so the iridescent glass bits can reflect the light.

Eldest daughter painted these tulips, matted the picture and attached dried tulips onto the mat.

 I also received this unusual Geranium. "Crocodile" is a trailing ivy leaf pelargonium that has yellow- veined, green leaves and pink flowers with deep pink eyes.  Mine has no blooms yet but I found a picture on-line.

 I'm looking forward to a quiet week. The forecast is for showers every day with a chance of sunny breaks here and there. During one of those breaks DH and I tied up some Clematis which had grown a lot since we last checked them and needed tying up. I really should have paid more attention and avoided  buying Clematis that grow 15' or more in height. I know I've mentioned that many of our shrubs and perennials didn't make it through the winter. Sadly the Spring Clematis that every year covered the pergola seems to be dead.  We'll cut it right back and hope for the best. It could let out again.

I hope your week is off to a good start. Thanks for visiting.  GM



  1. What a gorgeous picture of the two of you :)

  2. What a great joy to see you both!! - A beautiful, VERY nice couple! This makes my day! All your children can be proud of you - and you can be proud of all your children - and plants!! !!!
    Have a happy week with sun and showers of happiness1

    Greetings from Dori from the sunny Bavarian Forest, some showers once a day every day - good for the forest!

  3. I had a gazing ball and loved it. But got broken! I really should get another. I like where you placed yours for now!!!

  4. I love the tulips your daughter painted. Great snapshot of the two of you.

  5. Hi G.M. ....What a lovely Post - certainly a lovely photo of you and your Hubby. Best Wishes. KEV.

  6. Love the tulips! 🌷

  7. What a wonderful photo of you and your hubby. Beautiful couple. How sweet to listen to son play and girls sing. I love this! Your gifts are nice. I hope that your week is lovely. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  8. What a great picture of you two! The gazing ball is a perfect touch for the porch. I love daughter's wonderfully painted tulips!

  9. Sounds like a lovely Mother's Day and you sure got some nice gifts.

  10. I love that picture of you two. Glad you are getting rain :-)

  11. Wow you got some terrific gifts! Lucky you! I love that picture of you and your hubby. It's so pretty and colorful and you two look great! Enjoy your week. Maybe you could send us some of your rain....we are in a high fire danger due to no rain this spring.

  12. Nice gifts! Love the pretty gazing ball:)

  13. Your Mother's Day sounded lovely.
    I really like the geranium. We have grown it before.

  14. How great to see you with your hubby. It sounds like a lovely time with your family. The gazing ball is so pretty, as is the tulip painting. Yes, we have to take advantage of the breaks in the weather these days.

  15. I'm pretty sure I posted a comment yesterday. Could it be in the spam folder? About where you placed your gazing ball...perfect area.

  16. I'm so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day and great time with your family. I love the geranium.

  17. GM, that is a really lovely photo of you and your husband. Nice! What thoughtful gifts your family gave you! The butterfly base on your gazing ball is so pretty. You'll enjoy that a lot. I hope your clematis surprises you and survives after all!

  18. I loved hearing about your son and his sisters. Alex plays the guitar and he and his best friend used to sit on the end of our bed and sing us to sleep! Really. It's crazy. Our kids put us to bed. Ha! You look so happy in the photo. Obviously your kids know you well and got you all gardening gifts for Mother's Day. How blessed you are. I'm so glad for you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  19. You and your hubby look content. How lovely it must have been to enjoy your family making music together. I don't think it gets much better than that.
    I was just looking at those gazing balls at the garden center and thinking how gorgeous they are. I would be tempted to keep it on the porch too so the weather doesn't stand a chance of damaging it.
    Your daughters tulips are really pretty. Lovely gifts you received.

  20. I am sorry your one clematis did not survive the winter. You received some very lovely gifts for Mother's Day. That is such a nice picture of you and hubby and it is wonderful that your family has that talent! Nancy

  21. My home and my garden12 May 2022 at 05:14

    I love the frame very nice! Was it on Mother’s Day?

  22. Lovely gifts and a lovely photo of the two of you.

  23. That is a really nice picture of you both!!!

  24. Such a nice picture of you and your husband!
