Sunday, 5 February 2023

Full Moon and a Ring-necked Duck



Tonight is The Full Snow Moon so called because the last snows and frosts of winter will begin to appear around this time.

Good Morning on this lovely Sunday morning. It's a mild day but cloudy so there's little chance we'll get to see the full moon tonight.  We had a pleasant walk and even managed to see a couple of ducks that we don't see often. I kept looking for a white ring on the Ring-necked duck but I read on line just now that the ring refers to its hard-to-see chestnut collar on its black neck. Isn't his beak (bill?) pretty?

(These pictures or from the internet)

Here's  more facts about this duck that I found interesting.

  • During fall migration, Ring-necked Ducks can form immense flocks. Several hundred thousand congregate each fall on certain lakes in Minnesota to feed on wild rice.

  • Ring-necked Ducks on their breeding grounds occasionally get attacked by the much larger Common Loon, the Red-necked Grebe, and even the much smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

  • The oldest known Ring-necked Duck was a male and at least 20 years, 5 months old. He was banded in Louisiana in 1964 and shot in Minnesota in 1983.

I hope I haven't bored you. I don't have much to blog about today but I wanted to pop in to say Hello.

Thanks for coming by, GM

( About the problems I've been having with not being able to comment on some blogs...It is only on those blogs that have the dark rectangle with the words  Sign in with Google). And yes, I do have a google account.)


  1. I always thought it odd that the ring necked duck had a ringed bill, not neck. I never saw the brown ring.

  2. Well, of course you have a Google account, you're blogging on Blogger. lol. Still stinks you're having issues commenting on people's blogs. Your morning walk sounds lovely. I enjoy the ducks around where I am, too. I often take clients to the duck pond for our weekly sessions. Have a wonderful evening.

    1. It seems that I can't comment on your blog, L.J. I hope the whole issue of not being able to comment will soon be resolved.
      Meanwhile I hope you get that good snowfall. Winter's not over just yet.

  3. 💙 that snowy moon!

  4. I'm so sorry, that this very old duck was shot!! The information about these ducks is very interesting!
    Imagine, I can see The Full Snow Moon!! Very romantic, it is a clear night, very cold and frosty, and we have a lot of snow..
    I did not know, that this February-Moon is called: Full Snow Moon!!!!

  5. We haven't had any snow this year. Guess the snow moon didn't get the message. hehe

  6. I like the pictures of the ducks you've shared.
    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday and my good wishes for the new week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  7. Sure would be nice if we were coming to the end of the snow but somehow I don't think it will happen around here. :)
    Such pretty ducks!!!

  8. I am never bored by news of the moon phases and names! It's supposed to be partly cloudy here tonight, and I just checked, the moonrise is about 6:00, so I set an alarm to remind me to go out and look for the moon. I rarely see it anymore... maybe I should start taking night walks just so I can spend some time with our moon friend.

    Thank you, GM!

  9. The moon was just rising over the house tops when I went out to look. :-) I just leaned against my house and watched it for a while. What a blessed way to close the Lord's Day. Thank you again. <3

  10. I love ducks . These ones are very nice. We also have some wild ducks here , but I saw a lot more in the Netherlands. I also had this problem and could not comment on certain blogs a few months ago.

  11. When I see the "sign in" notice, even though I'm already signed in, I just go to the top of my page, hit sign in and go...pain in the rear but at least I'm able to leave comments.
    It's been cloudy here so, no Moon...:o(

  12. I hope the comment glitch gets fixed soon!!
    Those ring necked ducks, to me, have a purple ring around the throat in my opinion. We have them here too.

  13. In town it is hard to see the moon. I can only hope that the snow and frosts will go away! It might be that in Minnesota a snow moon brings more snow!!

  14. The full moon was beautiful, so I wish you could have seen it. I watched it out of my window at bedtime for about 10 minutes - it wasn't doing anything, but I just found it so pretty :)

  15. A full snow moon must be beautiful to see, it sure sounds so. Something we don't have in Texas. I love where I live, I just don't like the heat, a little frost and snow would feel great. The ducks are pretty and the info was interesting. I love animals and learning more about them. My daughter had ducks a few years ago, but they were the common farm duck. I still enjoyed watching them around the pond Tammy made for them. It's really very peaceful.

  16. I love your ducks! We have a lot of ponds here and there are lots of ducks. And turtles! Yours are lovely!
