Wednesday, 17 April 2024

About the Garden Teacups and Other Flowers



Good Morning!! It was a frosty 2C when I first looked out at 6 o'clock. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Lovely ๐Ÿ’—.

Thank you for all the comments on my garden teacups. For those who are interested I've taken a couple of pictures that hopefully explain how they're made. 

The dowel that's glued to the bottom fits into a half inch hollow pipe which easily pushes into the ground and supports it.

 I glued one cup to its saucer but found that dirt gathered around the base of the cup and was hard to keep clean.   Now the cups sit loosely on the saucers and I just go around and tip the water out after it rains. There's usually a fly or bug floating in it and I can easily wipe it out.

What's blooming in my garden right now?

Leopards Bane

Rock Cress

I know my son looked this beautiful blooming shrub up and told me what it was but I've forgotten. Maybe it's an ornamental plum?  Technically its not in "my" garden. It's growing in my DIL's part of the garden but I walk by it and stop to admire it often.

One last plant to show you and that's the Calla Lily that Eldest Daughter brought me. I've read that Calla Lilies mustn't dry out so I'm trying to check it every day ( which isn't easy because the leaves are very full right to the bottom.)

Thanks for coming by today. I hope your day is a pleasant one.


  1. That looks like a Prunus, maybe? So delicate and pretty.

  2. Thanks for the how to and nothing is blooming right now.

  3. I wondered how you kept the teacups clean and not full of rain water. Have you ever lost any in a strong wind?

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous. I love the teacups and it's interesting how they are made. Beautiful blog!

  5. Looking beautiful around your garden.

  6. That's a very good idea on how to get the teacup to stay put in the garden. Neat!

  7. Your garden is so pretty already. I've seen daffodils and tulips here so far and some purple weed that takes over everything.

  8. It's lovely to see the garden come alive. You have lots of beautiful colour in yours!

  9. Oh my goodness.....what beautiful sights in your garden these days. I love all the colors of your flowers! Love those teacups too!

  10. Love your tea cups but here you must glue them too much wind!
    Your garden flowers are very nice I love Spring flowers and colours !

  11. Hello Friend. I've been slow at blog reading this week and it looks as if I've missed a good bit here. I always love it when you put out your garden tea cups. And I also noticed the teapot! So pretty! I enjoyed seeing all of the pretty things that are blooming in your garden...and that Calla Lily is just gorgeous. I love the shade of pink that it is. Have a lovely weekend!

  12. Nice teacups thank you for showing us how to make them.

  13. I love to see your tea cups inside and out. Your flowers all look so pretty. You definitely have a green thumb!

  14. A very special way to make a very special decoration with cups.
    Empathic Plant-whisperer!

  15. I haven't put out any of my garden decor yet - today we had a mix of snow and rain so it's not conducive to going out and playing in the dirt. But a robin is building a nest in the pyramid cedar by my living room window so I am enjoying watching the activity. Spring is here, to be sure. Thanks for sharing your garden "pretties"!

  16. Thanks for explaining the construction of the cups. Your flowers are wonderful. The tree also looks a lot like wild cherry, the flowers that is! Have a nice day๐ŸŒท๐Ÿงก!

  17. Beautiful garden blooms, MJ! Your garden is always so pretty and welcoming.

  18. Your flowers are looking so colourful.

    All the best Jan

  19. I had wondered about how your teacups stayed in place. That is a great idea. Enjoyed seeing your flowers, too.

  20. Thank you for showing how you created your beautiful teacup garden...
    it is simply wonderful.
    I can literally see you walking through the garden in the morning and removing the rainwater from the cups... with joy. Great idea.
    I also walk through the garden with my cup in the morning, but mine is made with coffee.
    Hug for you.
