Monday, 30 September 2024

A Pleasant Walk


 As if you didn't know!!  We have had such a lovely September I hope October follows suit.

We had such a nice walk this morning. It's a holiday Monday so no Gleaners and that means no need to be in a hurry. ( On the days he volunteers he needs to leave by 8 o'clock).   DearHusband and I walked a different trail and dawdled along (like two old folks lol). 

After we got back we decided to take everything out of the pantry and wash down the shelves with vinegar/water since we still have Pantry Moths that come out almost every evening. I've tried home remedies but now I have also ordered actual Pantry Moth traps. These traps are supposed to attract male moths that get stuck on the sticky surface. Without the males our moth problem should come to an end.
Of course emptying the pantry meant some reorganizing. That part I don't mind. It's very neat now.

I hope your week is getting off to a good start. 

Karen: The holiday is called Truth and Reconciliation Day. It's just been around a year or two now.
It's to remember indigenous children who died in residential schools and other survivors.

Thanks for visiting,  GM

Friday, 27 September 2024

Busy Friday



I put a few things out on the front stoop. The little wagon is the one Eldest Daughter transformed from a Christmas  red to a more Autumnish look for my birthday in August.

Eldest and Youngest were here for hours today putting down landscape fabric and covering it with bark mulch.  The former "wild area" in the back is starting to look much less wild. I will have to take some pictures soon. The weather today was absolutely perfect. 18C with a few summery clouds. 

Flowers for the table.....

.....and this lovely and unusual Mum

Outside the potted flowers still bloom. The Gazanias came in a pack of six  that had not started showing any colour when we got them.  It was a surprise when 2 plants were yellow and the others white and red petals.

Have a lovely weekend

Thanks for visiting,  GM

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

A Magazine and Jigsaw Puzzles



A rainy day today, we had heavy rain in the wee hours.  A good day to bake, which is what I'll do later, after lunch maybe.

I did something yesterday that I haven't done in years...I bought a magazine. I often buy magazines at the thrift store but rarely ever a new one. DH had to go to the mall to have his hearing aids adjusted and right across the way was a book store. I wandered over while he waited for them to fix whatever they had to fix and saw the September/October issue of Victoria magazine and on impulse I treated myself.

 Years ago we used to do jigsaw puzzles in winter but as my eyesight worsened we quit. Recently we tried again and although I have some difficulty with very small pieces we have found some that we can do. I know it's not winter yet so we are starting early. Here a couple that we've finished lately.

Besides the baking I will do later I have made a Black Forest Trifle using a cake that flopped. I cut it into cubes, made chocolate pudding and opened a can of cherry pie filling. All that is lacking is Cool Whip on top. ( I don't know why that cake didn't turn out.  The recipe was Mary Berry's Sponge Cake and I've made it before and it has never failed until now.)

That's it for today. Thanks for visiting.




Monday, 23 September 2024

Clothespins and Muffins


 We don't have hedgehogs in Canada. I think they are so cute and couldn't resist posting this picture that I saw on Pinterest.

It's Monday and I'm doing laundry. I don't think I've ever shown my very old box of clothespins. The price is still on the box.....35 cents.

A much-loved but infrequently seen grandson is coming for a visit this afternoon.  I likes the Peach Muffins that I make......Made these right after I came back from walking.

I better get back to my laundry.

Hope your week is off to a good start. Thanks for visiting

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Salsa , Gourds, and Wax Melts

 I made salsa with some of my many tomatoes. As a rule DH doesn't care for salsa but he really likes this "recipe" which isn't really a recipe at all. I just had a list of what I used last year which was tomatoes, onion, sweet pepper, garlic and some peach slices that were in the fridge. I added vinegar, salt, sugar and some hot pepper flakes. Boiled it a long time and filled 4 small jars.


 At the grocery store I saw bags of gourds for $4 which seemed very reasonable.  I also found wax melts in lovely Autumn scents.  For some reason melting those does not bother me but burning any candle, even bees wax, makes it hard for me to breathe.

 Cinnamon sticky buns and Banana Toffee

 Tomorrow, September 22, marks the official beginning of Autumn. For me it began on September 1.

Sandy:  You wondered about the garden tea cups. The saucers are glued on to a base and the base onto a dowel that fits into a hollow tube.  The cups sit on the saucers because that makes them easier to pick up and wipe out. I tried gluing them onto the saucers but wasn't happy with that method. I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for visiting, Thank you also for all the lovely comments that you all leave.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Garden Report


It's another lovely Fall day. I went out to dead-head the Coreopsis  along the driveway and decided I'd count how many I had to cut off. I thought I might reach a hundred but I was 8 short. Coreopsis are such faithful bloomers from Spring until Fall IF they're kept from forming seed heads. That means cutting off the dead blooms every couple of days.  Time consuming? Yes, but to me it's worth the effort.

Another faithful bloomer is this Bonica rose. She also has not stopped blooming all summer through the heat and drought we had ( I think I watered her twice.)

Endless Summer Hydrangea has also bloomed all summer but not has not had as many blooms as some years.

My many garden tea cups need wiping out. The bugs accumulate. You can see one in the front cup floating on the bit of water inside. 

Every year I sow Basil in a pot on the porch so it's handy to pluck leaves when I want them. This year the seed was slow to germinate in fact just 3 plants grew. This is the most pathetic excuse for a Basil plant but in spite of its looks it has provided leaves all summer. I've brought it in and set it on the kitchen windowsill.

We're still getting tomatoes and green beans from the garden.  Those have done very well.
That's the garden report for September 2024. 

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Full Moon

 Time for the full moon once again. The September full moon is the Harvest moon....hopefully you will be able to see it either tonight or even tomorrow night.  I went out last night and although it was supposedly only 97% full I thought it was beautiful.

It was a cloudy but pleasant day here.  We took a number of boxes of 'stuff' to the thrift store  and I baked bread. Eldest Daughter and Kate came for a visit.  That was my day. I hope yours went well too.

Thanks for visiting



Monday, 16 September 2024

Monday Chit Chat


 It's amazing how quickly September is passing.  Our weather is just beautiful although we had fog this morning but now the sun is out and there's not a cloud in the sky. Sunrise was at 6:47 and the temperature had already risen from 10 to 13C  by 7 o'clock.  We had a pleasant walk and when we got back I started on the usual laundry.

Over the weekend we got a load of bark mulch and youngest son began spreading it for us. We're trying to get the "wild area" in the very back less weedy and mossy. He scraped quite a bit of the moss off and this morning I went out and, using a watering can filled with water and bleach I watered those areas.
I also sprinkled lime on other mossy spots and I will keep an eye on it to see which, if either, method works to eliminate the moss.  We don't plan on ever growing anything right there so we don't need to worry about any effect on future. I'd really prefer mulch with maybe pots of plants here and there.

There are leftovers for the next couple of suppers so I don't have to think about what to make so I'll just enjoy the sunshine. Maybe finish the book I'm currently reading.

Thanks for visiting 

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Fall Weather


 We are definitely enjoying Fall weather.  We walked in a light rain this morning but that has stopped and the temperature is 16C,  about 60F , so I'm wearing a cardigan and slippers and I'm so comfortable.

This weather calls for soup and since my tomatoes are producing abundantly I made tomato soup ( but please don't ask for a recipe because I don't use one). 

Our yellow Honeysuckle  didn't bloom at all this year but the red one did. I like how the white Clematis wandered over to mix with the red blooms.

Nothing much to blog about today. Sheila is dropping by for a visit after work. She often has packages delivered here to our house and picks them up and has visit at the same time. Today she will also leave with tomatoes.  It's so handy for her since the hospital is just 5 minutes away.

Thanks for visiting

Monday, 9 September 2024

Monday Chit Chat


Good Morning!  Another week begins and here our weather feels very Fall-ish today. Cloudy with a mist in the air. We hadn't walked around Mill Lake for a few days ( chose other places ) and we noticed how many more leaves had fallen. Not much colour yet, I think the poor trees were stressed by the long hot and dry Summer.

One of many things I like about Fall is all the fruit that's available. We bought lovely Plums and Pears at a stand.


Made Pineapple jam with 2 of the Pineapples that DH brought home from Gleaners where boxes of them were donated but of course they can't use them in the soup mix that they make so volunteers are encouraged to take some so they don't go to waste. I must admit I find Pineapple jam strange but not unpleasant. Had some on my morning toast.

Remember that web that I showed last week? Some knowledgeable commenters have suggested it was made by tent caterpillars and from the pictures I saw on the internet I think they are right. These caterpillars are considered pests.

Margaret  asked if I put fruit in my scones and the answer is yes.  I used to use raisins but in recent years I use that glace fruit that I also use for fruit cake ( Christmas Cake).   Which makes me you make a fruit cake for Christmas?  If so, how soon will you do so and where do you store it in the meanwhile.  

I'm quite sure that by now both the washer and dryer are done so I better get working.

Have a good week.  Thanks for coming by.


Saturday, 7 September 2024


 It was quite foggy when we went on our walk this morning. My fog pics didn't turn out so this one is off the 'net.

It cleared up enough so I could get a few pictures. This web is certainly interesting. I wonder if it's a spider's work or???

This is Jewel Weed I think......

....and this looks like Common Tansy. I'm no expert on wild plants so anyone that knows...feel free to correct me.

On the way back home we stopped to buy fresh corn which was delicious for lunch along with some of our tomatoes and basil.

After lunch I baked scones and then I had a nap.  It was a lovely day.

Thanks for visiting

Friday, 6 September 2024

This and That

 Our hot weather continues and  not much gets done outside after 9 A.M.  I water the plants that most need it and the rest have to fend for themselves. The tomatoes are doing great and the parsley, which I grow mostly because my rabbit loves it, is huge.  (There are volunteer Rudbeckias growing in with everything else in what is supposed to be a herb bed).

 My neighbour came across the street to ask if I could use some beets and potatoes.  This is the neighbour that took two of Miss Kitty's kittens. She reminded me that the kittens ( now full grown) turned 2 this week. She and her husband are true cat loversđź’—.  From time to time she brings over special treats for Kitty.  She sees her out on the driveway and often tries to pet her but Kitty won't let many people get that close. Of course the neighbours keep their cats indoors at all times. I see them sitting on a windowsill and looking out at the world.

 No plans here for the weekend. The heat will last until the beginning of next week according to the forecast. We'll be trying to keep cool.

In the comments on Clayborn Village Betsy wondered if the old brick houses were kept as museums or lived in. They are very much lived in and loved by the looks of them.

Another comment was by someone anonymous that has actually been there and visited the store. How I wish I knew who that someone was. Please don't be shy!!!

As a blogger do you ever go check your stats?  I see that 77 people visited this last post of which I believe 15 commented.  When you go looking at a blog that you don't normally visit do you leave a comment?  I'm curious. I try to but don't always. 

Thanks for visiting