Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Happy New Year


Happy New Year Everyone!! 



Monday, 30 December 2024

Good-Bye December


 I know there's another day this month/year but I feel like it's over and done. I'm ready to face 2025. Today things are getting back to normal. I'm doing laundry and I just popped an Impossible Pumpkin pie into the oven. I had thawed pumpkin that needed using so that's the reason. Really there are leftover sweets from Christmas but I think we're tired of those now.

We had a lovely walk this morning. It continues to be quite mild and the rain has held off. Yesterday we walked at Willband and saw so many swans on the water; too many to count!! 

I know some of you follow Diane Shiffer on YouTube. I see she has a lovely new post. She's going to be putting out these longer vlogs (?) as opposed to the 5 minute ones she's done so far.

Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?  We used to go over to friend's but nowadays we just stay home and by midnight are fast asleep. The honking of horns and general noise at midnight usually wakes me up briefly but I soon fall back asleep.

That's it for today. Thanks for visiting.


Saturday, 28 December 2024

Christmas Days

 We had a lovely Christmas. On the 25th Kate (granddaughter) and her partner had the family over for a delicious turkey feast. Then on the 26th we had our usual family gathering here where we visited, played games, and ate too much :) . Our tradition, like our Mennonite ancestors, is to hold 2 holy days
(holidays) and we've always done so.  It seems to avoid that let-down that can happen when everything ends abruptly after the 25th.

Christmas flowers for the table


 Yesterday we started this puzzle....finished it today. It was a fun one; not too difficult and not too easy either.  DH made the puzzle board with a lip around the edge so the pieces don't slide off.

 Picked up more books from the library. The last ones I chose were disappointing so I have high hopes that I chose better ones this time.

 That's it for today. Thanks for coming by 

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Merry Christmas


 Merry Christmas everyone. I hope your day is full of blessings!!

Friday, 20 December 2024

Random Pictures


 I really don't have much to blog about today so I'll post some pictures from other years. I know I always like to see the pics that others post. So here goes....

 I look tired on this picture but I don't think I was. I just look that way :)
I'm wearing a festive apron that my sister made.

Here's the table all set with my Old Country Roses china and the Advent wreath on the table.

Daughter Sheila, grandson Callum and yours truly.

 Me again,  in a Christmas shop

Grandad and grandson M playing crokinole. I wonder how many are familiar with this game. Here's what the 'net says about it.

Crokinole is a Canadian board game that uses little wooden discs and a wooden target called a crokinole board. The objective of the game is to flick your discs into the center hole as much as possible. ( or to knock your opponents coloured discs off the board).

 Crokinole is often believed to be of Mennonite or Amish origins, but there is no factual data to support such a claim. The reason for this misconception may be due to its popularity in Mennonite and Amish groups.

We've had this game for many many years and amazingly we still have all 24 discs ( 12 beige and 12 black).

Thanks for visiting today and thank you for your comments. 

PS Winter Solstice occurs here tomorrow, Dec. 21 at 4:21 A.M.

Granny M


Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Learning a Lesson


 This picture has nothing to do with my post. I just took it from the internet because I didn't have a picture handy and it  is cute.

I had a busy morning doing some shopping. I didn't know that was what was going to happen. Normally Wednesdays are very much "my" day and I had some chores that I wanted to do. Unfortunately DH was not up to going to his volunteer job and got bored sitting around. So...we went shopping.  First store he used his credit card. Next store he went to sit in the truck ( by now he wasn't feeling great) so I found some items and when I went to take out my card it wasn't in my purse. I had to run out and get his. Came home and looked everywhere for that card and just about given up when DH went to look in the truck. Sure enough, it was lying on the floor. I have learned my lesson. Always put it back in the proper place! Recently I've had to use a cane for stability ( my foot!!) and juggling purse, card and cane is a problem. I'm very aware of how annoying it can be when the person at the cashier takes extra minutes to get organized but I'm afraid that's going to be me :(

I got the results back after the X-ray of my ankle and foot.  It showed that when I fell I fractured a bone called the fibula which forms the top of the ankle joint., It will take months to heal. Not the best news but at least now I know what is in store. 

Thanks for visiting

Monday, 16 December 2024

Laundry and a Full Moon

 Monday again and the beginning of what will probably be a busy week in many homes as we do those last minute tasks that we set for ourselves before Christmas arrives. When I think of what I did in years past, when my children were growing up, and what I do now, I feel so liberated. Years ago we cut down drastically on gift giving and also on cookie baking.  A few favourites are absolutely essential but not the many kinds I used to make.

Being Monday I'm doing laundry. Me and the automatic washing machine have our problems but laundry sure is easier than it was in my Mom's day.  Our wringer washer looked a lot like the one in the picture and in fact, the first apartment DH and I lived in had one in the basement for tenants to use. 

 More pictures of busy housewives doing laundry....

...and washing dishes.

Did you notice the full moon last night?  The December moon is called the Cold Moon.This particular one has the distinction of rising and setting at its most extreme northerly points on the horizon__the result of an 18.6 year cycle.

photo from the internet

That's it for today. I'm off to empty the dryer and fold laundry. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Cookies and Little Houses

 Windy this morning but the forecast rain hasn't arrived. Yet.  We had a shorter walk this morning because Dear Husband was going out for breakfast with Youngest Son. It's DH's 82nd birthday. Hard to believe we're getting that old.  Although with me using a cane these days as my foot continues to cause problems I feel my age.  Gretchen Joanna noticed that in the last picture in my last post I was sitting under a sign that read PATIENCE.  I hadn't noticed ( the picture was taken at Kate's place) but no one who knows me would doubt that patience is something I don't have a lot of. 

DIL is making Christmas cookies and sent over some cute samples. (Do you recognize the Abominable Snowman from Rudolf?)


Several years ago Youngest Son took over the job of  forming the centers for Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls.  Now they all need dipping in chocolate. That's the next on the to-do- list. These no-bake cookies are a big favourite around here and there are multiple recipes on-line for them, all very similar.

 I mentioned to someone ( I can't remember who) that I'd post a picture of  my rows of lit-up houses in the sunroom. They stay up all year around.  ( My old camera collection takes up some of the lowest shelf).

 Are you busy making cookies these days?   Have your tree up & decorated?

Whatever you're busy doing thanks for taking the time to visit.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

A Question and some Photos


 I came upon this interesting little piece and as I thought about it I realized that if I had to keep to this schedule I'd have absolutely no time to read or visit with anyone coming by. I'd be busy all day. I think it's ridiculous. Give me your opinion. I' wonder if anyone would think this is reasonable.

 So I saw the doctor for 5 minutes yesterday ( about my foot) , long enough for him to give me a requisition for X-ray and tell me to come back next week. So no news on that.

I don't have much to blog about so I'll post some pics I took around the house. Some may already have been posted.

That's me with Miss Kitty's baby, the only one of her 5 that had her markings. Kate took this kitten
 and he's twice the size by now. I believe this was taken last Christmas.

We're right in the middle of the week and I hope it's been a good one so far and will continue to be.
Thanks for visiting.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Monday Hodge Podge


 The term "hodgepodge" emerged from the Middle English phrase "hochepot," which meant a stew made of various ingredients. Over time, it transformed into "hodgepodge," embodying the notion of a jumble or mix of diverse elements.
I don't think I've ever used this term either in conversation or written so today is a first.

We've been doing jigsaw puzzles these past days/weeks. Here are a few of the ones we completed.


 Whenever we come back home from wherever we've been we usually find Miss Kitty patiently waiting for us sitting in front of the garage on one of the bins.

Recently I bought a cheesecake at the grocery store and was surprised by how good it was.   Maybe not as good as a homemade one but not bad at all.


I hope my hodgepodge today hasn't been too boring.  I'm off to tend to my laundry. Hopefully you're having a good day.  Thanks for taking time to visit.  

Friday, 6 December 2024

Busy Morning



I've had a busy morning. Baked, did a load of laundry, mopped a floor and took out more of my  Christmas books and magazines to browse through this afternoon. Oh , and I did something I always dread. I called the doctor's office to make an appointment.  I finally gave in because after 7 weeks my left  foot and ankle are still twice the size of my right one and painful.  I said I didn't care which doctor I saw( there are many in that one office) so I got an appointment for next Tuesday.  

 No picture of my poor elephants foot. Here are some more pleasant pics.

Thanks for visiting



Thursday, 5 December 2024

Wish Book



Do you have fond memories of the annual Sear's Christmas catalog, otherwise known as the Wish Book?   In the days before Shopping Malls and department stores  children, especially rural ones, made their Christmas lists by seeing what was available and affordable.
Sears first published this catalog in 1933. The last one came out in 2011. If you've hung on to any of them there is apparently a demand for the old copies.

 After doing a bit of research ( google) I found out that Poinsettias do not come in blue. (See last post). Any that exist have been spray painted. How disappointing.

Rose wondered what I put into my Green Bean soup. Besides the obvious beans I added onion & carrots as well as a liter of beef broth and Summer Savory. It's not really a recipe as such but like almost any soup it can take any vegetables added.  My Mom would have added potatoes and sometimes I do but this time I didn't.

Not much else to write today. Thank you for coming by 

Tuesday, 3 December 2024


 My girls picked me up this morning to go browsing in pretty shops.  At first I thought I'd only be able to go to one but later I changed my mind and we went on to a second one. It was well worth getting tired.
Poinsettias come in new colours this year. There was even a blue one. I suppose if you were decorating in blue you'd choose that one.



Here's a picture from 17 years ago today.  It was early for us to have such a heavy layer of snow but here I am pulling 3 year old C on the old sled.

 Supper today will be green bean soup using beans that I froze last summer. As the soup simmers the house smells like Summer Savory . Along with the soup we'll have cheese bread. What's cooking in your kitchen?

Thanks for visiting