Thursday, 13 February 2025

Valentines Day

 Things are looking up. The temperature this morning was 0C  and according to the forecast no more minus temperatures in the week to come.  We'll get rain, no doubt, and it will wash away our snow.

I put out some Valentine things and took pictures.  As I know I've already mentioned Valentines Day is also our middle son's birthday so we'll be celebrating with  him mainly 💗




 I made a Pineapple Upside Down cake which was really good ( and lasted one day!  We do all love our sweets).  I didn't have pineapple rings so I used the tidbits.

 Lovely tulips from the children.

 Some pretty Valentines from Pinterest.

 Happy Valentines Day

 I'm glad the memes ( I'm not even sure exactly what a meme is!!) that I find amuse some of you. I know I find them amusing.  Other times a serious one will touch me and I post that. 


Thanks for visiting!!





  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well! And birthday wishes for the birthday boy! Lovely flowers from your kids and very pretty pink display on your sewing machine - I would love to see a pic of it "opened" with its decals, etc. Your upside down cake looks yummy!

  2. I'm glad you took pictures of your Valentine's Day decor. Everything. looks so pretty. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Happy Birthday to your son. Enjoy your celebrations!

  3. I do remember some of the old valentines, so much prettier than some of todays. Your pineapple cake looks delicious, I used to make it for my children.

  4. I thought of you, I saw four tea cups nestled together on one saucer, they were all lying on their sides:)

  5. This is such a sweet post . . . love those little pink shoes and well . . . one of my favorites is pineapple upside down cake, yum!

  6. Grandma, have a happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Happy Birthday to your son.
    I know two couples who were married on Valentine's Day.
    The cake looks delicious. This sounds crazy but I've never eaten pineapple upside down cake!!

  8. Congratulations for you son! He has a fine day chosen for his birth. Valentin is a loving Saint 💗

  9. Happy Valentines Day and happy birthday to your son.
    My SIL makes a fabulous pineapple upside down cake :)

    All the best Jan

  10. Pretty, pretty! I don't do a lot for Valentine's Day decorations, but I do pull out my red and white glass to do displays. Soon I will change up to green glass for St. Patrick's Day. It's a way I can justify at least some of my glass collection.

  11. Happy Birthday to your son and Happy Valentines Day too. I enjoyed seeing the pretty touches around your home. We just talked to friends in Spokane tonight and they said it's going to be warmer there for the next week too. Not here. We're looking at -16F before wind chill by the first part of next week. Tomorrow is supposed to be the only halfway warm day of 32F. We've been below 0 F at night all week long. This is our first real blast of winter this season and I'm already tired of it. :-) I guess I'm spoiled. The older I get, the less I like the extreme temperatures either way.

  12. Your pineapple cake looks 😋 !
    Have Happy Valentine and Happy Birthday to your son!

  13. Your temperature is staying above freezing and ours is staying well below! I do love pineapple upside down cake.

  14. Tom has a collection of old postcards that includes Valentine cards. We didn't get around to putting them out this year, but they are fun.

  15. Your Valentine's Day decor is so lovely...all of it. Happy Birthday to your son. The pineapple cake looks delicious! And when I saw your Valentine's Day cards it reminded me that I forgot to put my Valentine's Day postcards out on display.

  16. Super cute Valentine display on your treadle machine. Those little pink shoes made me smile.

  17. We need some of those warmer temperatures here!

  18. You found a great picture of the Coot's toes! But send some of those above-freezing temps our way please!
