Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Hellebores and Strong Wind

 5C this morning with a few drops of rain when we walked. Just saw all the regulars ( birds and people )

My hellebores are blooming in the flowerbed on the north side of the house where the sunshine never reaches. The only one that shows any sign of facing up is Pink Frost. The others just look downwards. They seem happy though. I started with one Black Prince and there are at least 3 self-seeded ones now. Besides Pink Frost and Black Prince I have a white one that I can't remember the name of.

 We had strong winds the other night and I was shocked to find that the hutch part of my outdoor cupboard had been blown off its base and was wrecked. I had various decorative pieces there but only one plate broke. Some other porcelain bits were chipped but none of the things that I put out there were "special". 

 Thanks for visiting 


  1. Hellebores are such wonderful winter bloomers and last well into spring.

  2. Hellebores look so brave and cheerful through the colder days.

  3. Hellebores are so lovely, and the double ones even lovelier!

  4. You must be one of those west coast people to have flowers blooming this early!

  5. Since you are well,
    the damage is minor!
    I hope spring comes soon,
    the first signs of it have appeared in the garden!

  6. We have had the March winds also but we still have a lot of snow on the ground. We are warmer so it is slowly melthing.

  7. I didn't even think about hellebores having names, but of course they would. I have 2 kinds, white and pink, and have no idea what their names are as they were starts from a friend.
    Too bad about the cupboard. It was cute, too. I hope it's repairable.

  8. I'm snow-fan (greetings to acorn hollow!) - BUT I LOVE your wonderful first spring flowers. So I'm spring-fan, too :;:;:;:;:

  9. Looking like spring around by you. That is too bad about your outdoor cupboard. Hope it can be repaired.

  10. Your hellebores are very pretty, and I like that the flowering season is quite long. The wind must have been very strong to tear off your cabinet door like that. I'm glad that nothing precious was broken.

  11. Sorry to hear about that darn wind wrecking your hutch. I'm glad not too many things were damaged. How nice to have flowers blooming now!

  12. The jonquils are putting on quite a show here, but other than that colorful blooms are no where to be seen. I love your hellebores.

  13. Your Hellebores are so pretty! Mine definitely needs to be separated. It sounds as if you had quite the windstorm! So sorry that the hutch part of your cupboard was damaged, as well as the decorative items that you had on it.

  14. Your flowers are very pretty. Spring is coming! So sorry about your outdoor hutch. That must have been really strong winds.

  15. What a pretty variety of hellebores you have. I don't have any, but my neighbor does. I was checking hers out yesterday.
    That's a shame about your cupboard being damaged in the strong winds. I hope it can be fixed.
