Monday, 25 November 2013
Nativity sets
Except for putting out the nativity sets we're about done with decorating around here. This cardboard one I picked up at the thrift store a few years ago. It's old but in very good shape considering it has to be folded up into the box at the end of the season. All the tabs are still intact!
Little miss set this one up under the Christmas tree.
This wooden set was carved in the Holy land. Can you tell it was set up by a four-year-old?
I can't remember what this black set was made of. I bought it many years ago at a shop called Thousand Villages which I believe helps struggling craftspeople from other lands. Again, set up by little mister. He said the one wise man had a cold and had to stay far away from baby Jesus.
This opaque glass nativity set didn't photograph well but since it is a favourite of mine I am including it.
That's it for today. It's been a busy one so it will be early to bed for me. Especially since I got up at SIX this morning because I thought the clock said SEVEN. Without my glasses I can't really see the clock as well as I'd like. You can bet I'll be double-checking the time before I get up from now on!
Granny Marigold
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