Monday, 6 January 2014
I'm afraid my post today will be as boring as my title. Monday, with all that entails for me: laundry ( I'm a traditionalist and still think of Monday as laundry day), and supper for all six of us ( today I baked bread and I have a pot of pea soup simmering). I think soup and bread everyone likes, especially both children. For dessert there are yet more leftover Christmas cookies. Tomorrow will be the day to go to Value Village because I get the 30% discount ( Tuesdays) and I'm looking for a bathmat that is NOT white. That is what I have now and it just is not practical. If I find any treasure I'll be sure to post. Meanwhile, I'm off to check if the soup is done! Granny M.
Please leave a comment if you come by so I know I'm not just talking to myself!
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