Thursday, 16 January 2014
This past few days the weather has turned mild and at last we've got sunshine. Of course that turns our thoughts to Spring. Which will probably be deceiving because we have to get through February and even part of March before we would normally have nicer temperatures. But the weather this year has been unusual almost worldwide so who knows when Spring will come this year. Meanwhile I am just enjoying the sunshine. My centerpiece is a cheese dome over a tiny nest with even tinier eggs in it. The eggs are House Sparrow eggs but the nest is a mystery one given to me by someone who found it and thought of me. House Sparrows and Starlings and other introduced species of birds are not protected by the Bird Protection Act. Just so you know that I'm not doing anything illegal by "gathering" the eggs. Also, I have found that by taking some of the eggs early in the laying process, the female then continues to lay as many as she would ordinarily hatch.
The Bluebird on top of the cheese dome is just stuck on with a bit of Blue Tac.
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