Sunday, 20 July 2014
A Quiet Sunday
The weather has cooled down quite a bit and we might even get some rain... which we really need. Everything is so dry and farther north wildfires are raging. A good downpour sure would help. It's been a quiet week in more ways than one. Tonight our DIL and the two littles return from a 10 day trip to see her dad and stepmom. The house has seemed unnaturally dull but that will change once they are back.
Yesterday, there were very few garage sales and not one thing did I find that appealed to me. I may have to get my "fix" by visiting a few thrift stores in the week.
I like to post at least a few pictures in each post so I will show you some tea cup pics I took yesterday. I must point out that the white Hydrangea tinged with blue is not some exotic new kind. I wanted to see how it would look if I spray painted the white with blue ever so lightly but I didn't get the effect I was looking for, smile
As you can see the Hydrangeas are already beginning to dry a bit. I just can't give them as much water as they need. I will be bringing in some of the pink ones to dry because I'm planning ahead for Christmas ( can you believe it? in July?) For many years I've had an all-white Christmas tree but this year I'd like to include some pink. And I thought the dried Hydrangeas might work.
Granny Marigold
You have a beautiful collection of tea cups! I like the blue tinged hydrangea. Good for you planning ahead for Christmas. I never seem to get around to doing that! :) Grandchildren do liven up the house, don't they?