Thursday, 5 February 2015
I know, I know.... it isn't even the middle of February yet and I'm convinced it's almost Spring!
Are you a Wind in the Willows fan? I discovered this delightful book when my children were small.
I am particularly fond of Mole. He seems like such a homebody
( like me).
"Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing."
Mole in The River Bank chapter of Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham.
My yellow crocuses are up... that is a sign that the ground is thawed. The yellow ones are always much earlier than the purples and whites.
I really didn't have much to blog about today. I just wanted to say hello.
Thanks for coming by, Granny Marigold
Hello Granny M! I love the pretty little embroidered roses! I think you will find quite a few of us "out here" who are very fond of Wind in the Willows! :) It's great to be a home body!