It's a very blustery evening. Storm warnings and alerts given. DH has made sure the little generator is ready for action should the power fail.
Today is my DH's 76th birthday. I baked a cake this morning early just in case the winds came up. All day we've had phone calls and visits from our children. Tomorrow several are taking him out for breakfast. We're so fortunate to live close to our family.
I'm not taking any chances with the wind howling around the house. I'm going to publish this right away.
Thanks for coming by, GM
Oh that wind! It can really be something at times. I do hope that you did not have a need to use that generator, but it is always good to be prepared. My husband is the same way.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your husband! I'm glad that you live close to your family.
This afternoon was cookie baking day with the kids. We continued on, all the time hoping the power would not go out. It didn't, and now the family is fed and gone, the kitchen is cleaned up, and we are settled in for the evening. Looks like we'll have cleaning up to do outside tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI hope you still have power!! wonderful that you got the cake baked, I am so glad!! God bless you and your Husband on his birthday! A wonderful year he has turned, may it be blessed, esp with good health!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for your Birthday W! Hope the wind died down with no power outages in the meantime. Good thing you have a generator, just in case.
My kids had a tape of Winnie the Pooh's Blustery Day, and listened to it a billion times. "We know today is Wednesday and this ishow we know. It is always on a Wednesday that the winds begin to blow.
I wish I had a generator. I can do without the electricity, but we have a well, so no power-no pump-no water.
Happy birthday to your fella! It is wonderful to have your kids so close. We miss ours. I hope the storms have passed over.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to those windy pictures. : )
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your husband. 🎈
Mr D is also 76! Happy Birthday to your hubby!
ReplyDeleteI hope the storm was less than expected. Happy birthday to your hubby!
ReplyDeleteHope you didn't get a bad storm. Those high winds scare me. Happy birthday (a little late) to your husband. Bet the cake was delicious!!
ReplyDeleteI do hope that your power stayed on and your storm wasn't too bad. Your hubby is like mine... always prepared! Belated happy birthday to him!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your husband! Hope you all didn't blow away! :)