Thursday, 6 December 2018
We have a neighbour who is---how shall I put this tactfully?- particular? He usually puts on Christmas lights and nice decorations on his house. He has a tree in the front yard, maybe 20' tall which he has in the past decorated. This year he seems to have hired 2 young fellows to do this job for him. I've been watching them on and off and they don't seem to be getting much done as they are being watched ( and no doubt told what to do) by the house owner. I really do think these 2 guys wish they's never taken on the job. later... the 2 young men have left having just done some pruning. Will they be back to put up the lights or maybe not!!
On the subject of neighbours we have lost a dear elderly lady in her 93rd year. Right until the end she kept her house, had a garden, and always looked so lovely. She had a string of pearls that she once told me she wore every day, and after that I made a point of looking when we met ( she was a walker too) and yes, she wore her pearls.
Just today I heard of another elderly couple who live quite close by and who are putting their house up for sale and moving to an assisted living home.
The house next door to ours has sold and although it's a cute little house and the former owner put in new kitchen cabinets and painted to fix it up for selling it has been bought by a couple who intend to tear it down and build a very large new house. This is right beside us on the west side so we'll have even more shade than we already do. The neighbourhood sure is changing.
Thanks for coming by and reading my ramblings.
Granny Marigold
It is hard to see your neighbourhood change. We are lucky that in 32 years here there really haven't been any changes that have bothered us. The advantage of living on acreage I suppose. In Oliver, both neighbours on either side of us have changed, and they are making changes to their properties that are affecting us.
ReplyDeleteTimes seem to be changing worldwide but not always for the best. Sorry to hear about the death of your neighbour.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I don't know if I like change, but things do change. Sorry about the loss of your neighbor, at 93 she had a long life and sounds like a very blessed life. Hope the guys come back and put lights on the tree, a 20ft lighted tree would be a pretty sight to see!
ReplyDeleteoh that must be hard to see the lovely house torn down! Places do change, that is for sure. Lots of change happening where we live too, new big buildings, etc. a HUG. Also what a neat lady, the 93 year old one; I am so glad there are such ones in the world and then, we pray, in Heaven!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame that the house will be torn down. Seems lots of people want bigger and bigger houses.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your neighbor passing. She sounds lovely.
Wow, that is a lot of change around you. I have got two new neighbors in the last year and they are both improvements over the old ones, in that they are friendlier, and one has a child! We seem to have fewer children all the time...
ReplyDeleteThat's happened around here, too. When we were in Vail, Colorado a few years ago a wrecking ball was destroying a gorgeous and HUGE mountain home for the same reasons. It seems so wasteful.
ReplyDeleteOur neighborhood is changing too, in face, so much that we may be looking to buy a place somewhere else. I wonder if we could actually walk away from this place we've put so much into. This log cabin was our dream.
ReplyDeleteEveryone in our neighborhood is about the same age as we are, although I suspect we are at the older end! So far it has not changed a lot but I expect as our neighbors get older and retire it will.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to have changes in our neighborhoods. Our house is pretty alone on a 2 lane highway, so only one real neighbor, and he's not close even. I hope you like your new folks next door.