Saturday, 30 May 2020
Mostly about what's happening in my Kitchen
I was chatting with Kate, my eldest granddaughter and she was telling me that she found that using Dawn Platinum ultra power dish soap took out stains in clothes that had been through the dryer. I said I'd have to look for it next time I went shopping but before I had that chance she brought me THREE bottles of it. That's so typical of her generous nature. I haven't had any stains to try it on so far but I'm sure I will. Like Lily pollen once they start blooming. There's never been a year yet where I didn't manage to get those orange stains on my clothes.
I tried a new ( to me) product for my coffee. I usually drink freshly made coffee black but we often make a full pot and warm up a cup later in the microwave. That's when I like to use the Nespresso to whip up some milk and sweetener. This oat-based stuff is okay but I think I'll stick with my usual addition.
Our pole beans are coming up rather sparsely so I'm soaking some old Rattlesnake beans to see if they're still any good. If they sprout we can stick them in the spaces where none have come up.
Rhubarb is ready and so I made a rhubarb cake. Actually I made 2 cakes. The recipe said to use a 9X13 pan but I used two 8X8 instead. The white on the top is just the topping that had less butter mixed into it. We sampled the other cake and it's delicious.
Do you know that you can make a aphid spray by boiling up 3 fresh, chopped rhubarb leaves in 16 cup pot of water ( I don't really measure)? Once the mixture comes to a rolling boil turn off the heat and let it stand overnight. Next day strain out the rhubarb bits. Pour the remaining liquid into a spray bottle and label it. Spray plants that have aphids and that should deal with the problem. DO NOT USE ON EDIBLE PLANTS.
This turned into a rather long post. Are you still with me? Thanks for visiting today. I hope all is well at your house.
Granny M.
I used to have a special pot to make up rhubarb spray, then used it mainly on my roses to kill aphids (works well). Your cake looks delicious, and the very name of Rattlesnake Beans makes me want to try growing some! Have a great weekend :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the rhubard aphid spray tip. I had never heard that and I appreciate it. I pulled rhubarb again today and dropped it on the porch of a 94 year old lady from church that always loves to get my rhubarb every spring. I usually take about 4-5 grocery bags full to her in the spring. Your cakes look great.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the Dawn tip too.
I find tomato sauce stains are hard to get out. I might have to try dawn.
ReplyDeleteMy rhubarb is doing terrible this year. Just a few skinny stalks!
Thanks for sharing the tip about Dawn, I'll have to try that. I love rhubarb but I don't know anyone who grows it anymore. I should grow my own, shouldn't I? I've never heard about using rhubarb to get rid of aphids... you learn something new every day!
ReplyDeleteYes/1 Still with you. I will be trying that dawn! Like Happyone, I tend to get tomato sauce stains and they are hard to get out.
ReplyDeleteDid not know that tip about aphids, but I don't have any rhubarb.
I'd love some of that rhubarb cake!
ReplyDeleteI tried to grow rhubarb here several years ago without much success. I think it get's too warm for it. I did buy some at a local farmstand yesterday. It was rather pricey, but I will cherish it all the more. Your cake looks yummy.
ReplyDeleteI pulled rhubarb today too and made a crumble topping. Your cake looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteAll kinds of good things in this post. :-)
ReplyDeleteI use blue Dawn for my dishes but I think I'll try the Platinum for stains. I get plenty of stains on my sleeves when working in the garden.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for visiting my blog today. I am so lonely but having blogging friends stop by is it treat.
Wish I was there to sample your rhubarb cake it looks delicious.
Have a sweet day,
Your blogging sister, Connie
I'm definitely saving the idea of a spray for aphids. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dish det. is Dawn. I use it for lots of things beside dishes too. Thanks for sharing about that spray too. Jotting this one down. Hope you and family are doing well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteYour rhubarb cake looks so good! I don't have rhubarb in my garden, but there is in my neighbour's garden. I thought I would ask him if I could get some, then I saw he had cut it down with his lawnmower! Stupid man!!
ReplyDeleteI see your kitchen tips are very successful because useful!! Fine cake you make! Nice: you have a good connection with your granddaughter!! And more!
ReplyDeleteI cut rhubarb yesterday to make some rhubarb syrup and canned it. So good to add to water for a refreshing drink. Your cake looks delicious. Great tips with Dawn. That's my dish detergent of choice.