Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Plant Shopping
First thing after breakfast we picked up our oldest daughter and off we went to the plant shop. We were there just as it opened ( early, for seniors shopping) and already there were many cars in the parking lot.
Let me show you what I got...
I have often admired and never bought myself a bowl of bulbs like this. The nice thing is that after the grape hyacinths fade I can plant them out and enjoy them for years to come. Although I have many of the dark blue ones I don't have any this shade of blue.
This "Spring Bowl" is jam-packed with various little plants that hopefully will all flourish on my porch.
My lettuce is growing but it will be quite a while until I can actually pick some so I indulged myself with a pot of various kinds. I had a lettuce sandwich on sourdough for my lunch and it tasted like summer. In this basket there are some dark blue Salvia and purple petunias....
and I also found zinnias, snapdragons, coleus and 3 pots of fountain grass ( to replace some grasses in containers which didn't come back this year in spite of being labeled hardy).
We had a great time and once we got back home I had a busy afternoon planting the ones that could go out right away. Some of the annuals will need to go out for the day and in for night for a few days.
That was my day. I'm happy that shopping went well and everyone tried to keep proper distance away. I saw a few people wearing masks. I didn't wear my paper one but have asked my DH's niece to make me a couple. She's an excellent seamstress. I'll model them once she brings them over.
Thanks for visiting,
Granny Marigold
Your plant choices are so good, and so are your pictures. I have been out a couple of times shopping for plants, then worked the afternoon planting them which I so enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so glad the nurseries are open!! Your grape hyacinths are gorgeous - and you even got lettuce! Such a variety of things. I putter about the garden most days but can NOT seem to get anything planted in my second planter box. It requires some decisions.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great morning you had :)
ReplyDeleteI love the cloth in your second photo. One of my sisters-in-law does work like that - I tried once and made a terrible mess of it. Yours is simply gorgeous.
Stay safe, Mxx
I have yet to venture there. Well I did try one morning, got there at 8:13, and the parking lot was half full and there was already a lineup, so I kept on going. I haven't been there since the beginning of March. I did stop in at another nursery in Aldergrove, but they seemed so expensive compared to Devan. I did support them though and bought a few things. This year I've started all my own veggie seedlings (other than a few tomatoes, peppers and eggplant I bought back in March), and will have about 100 tomato plants eventually. Some that are in the gallon pots will be planted tomorrow or the next day. Really I just need some annuals to plant into some big pots and hanging baskets.
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful day! I'm hoping to go to the greenhouse in the small town by the lake next week and get a few plants for home. I think it may have fewer people than the one here in Spokane. You got some beautiful plants and I'm glad you got a chance to enjoy yourself.
I've not had much luck with the hot peppers & the red peppers. They seem to take a long time to germinate. I had saved some seed from last years farmers market, they didn't take. We bought some seeds, and still nothing. I'm thinking about just sewing them in the garden directly. I fashioned up newspaper pots, the whole lot can go into the ground. Never tried that before so we'll see. I don't like when it goes from cold to hot with no warm, you can't get acclimated as quickly. I've got some things coming up in the square footer, mostly Calendula, no sign of the lettuce yet. I've got to spray it to keep the bunnies and my "dear friends" to not touch.
ReplyDeleteLove to see your blauwe druifjes (grape hyacinths).
ReplyDeleteOh, what a fun time you must have had....I like everything you got!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great haul, beautiful plants.
ReplyDeleteGM I had freckles too a kid,especially when out in the sun. I just find these brown eggs so cool, different hues and freckles. Love it.
ReplyDeleteHope and flowers enlighten your life like a wonderful glimpse of the sun! I love grape hyacinths VERY much! I have some in my garden.
ReplyDeleteThe masks will follow us for longer time. . . .
Many greetings from Dori from the Bavarian forest
Looks like you had a productive visit to the plant nursery.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good day. I like the Spring bowl! Phil
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good day. I worked outside most of the day too. I'll get a blog posted eventually. I've been either too busy or too tired.
ReplyDeleteI love all the flowers and plants that you bought. What a fun trip. I would love to go there and shop for plants. we're not ready to put anything in the ground here yet...our last piles of snow just melted last week and now it's cold for a few days. After that we're going to need some rain as we have fire danger alerts here because of the forests. Come back Spring...and bring some rain with you!!!
ReplyDeleteMany, many people in our county are sporting very nice fabric masks when they're out shopping. I find it a comfort in many ways, as we also wear ours. I feel like everyone is looking out for each other, which leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling.
ReplyDeleteYour plants look lovely! My lettuce in the garden is at its peak and will soon bolt.