I picked up this pretty primrose at the grocery store. Once it's milder out I'll transplant it but for now it brightens up my sunroom.
My Thanksgiving Cactus is blooming again. Not as abundantly as in November but still doing its best!
A bouquet for the table.
The latest puzzle that we finished on the weekend.
Eldest brought an early Easter gift!
That's it for me on this lovely Monday morning. All our snow is gone. The temperature this morning when I got up was 8C. We had a pleasant walk around the lake. Blackbirds are beginning to sing their Oka-lee song. A Northern Flicker was drumming on a lamp post. Here's what the internet has to say about that:
The males search for a hollow tree, an old telephone pole, or even a chimney with metal flashing or a metal top, to drum out their mating call, telling all the other male flickers nearby that this is their territory, and saying “have a look at me baby” to all the females.
I hope your week is off to a good start. Thanks for visiting. GM