Monday, 20 January 2025

Butter Tarts and an Interesting Book

 Our weather continues to be clear and cold...what we consider cold ...which I realize is nothing compared to what many are experiencing. So far today I've done the laundry and took fruit out of the freezer to make jam tomorrow. Strawberry/blackberry and also raspberry ( I'm about the only one that prefers raspberry so I freeze it in smaller containers).

I forget that Butter Tarts are a Canadian thing and not widely known outside of Canada.  I read on-line that they may have evolved from a Scottish sweet called Egglefechan. I don't know if this is correct.
The filling is very similar to pecan pie and is delicious!!
The first picture is from the internet. The second are the ones I made.


 I'm currently reading one of my own books ( most of the library ones were not interesting). If I would have known how much I'd enjoy this book I would have read it a long time ago.  The story based on the experiences of a public health nurse in the northern parts of British Columbia in the 1960's. Besides the adventures she has there's the wonderful description of the countryside. This is an area we saw part of in our camping days.  Here is an excerpt from the chapter I'm reading. It's winter and she's driving her government issued 1962 Chevy II on a perilous mountain road.


On top of the hill, the plateau rolled out in front of me. Miles and miles of white snow, covering the grasslands. Grey sticks of willow along the ditches and bare grey branches of poplar groves in the white fields created the only colour accents  on the land. The sky was cobalt blue and immense. It was such a contrast from my eastern district where the sky was confined  by the evergreen-covered mountaintops.

Then a page or so farther: The sun lit the tops of the Coast Mountains to the west, shining a brilliant white on those soaring peaks. They were a dramatic and awe-inspiring contrast to the flat land I'd been travelling through, I stopped the car to stare. I wished passionately that I could paint. Someone should record this beauty. It was dramatic and overwhelming. I stood watching until the cold forced me to move.

 The title of the book comes from the advice she got when she first arrived. Always carry a candle and matches because if you have car trouble you may be stranded for some time and the candle may keep you from freezing to death. The name of the author is hard to make out on my picture. It is Marion    McKinnon  Crook.

I have an hour and a half until I need to start supper. I can get a few more chapters read.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

My Saturday


 I just came in from bringing in my geraniums from the porch. The forecast low tonight ( and every night this week) is minus 3C  which might nip them. I don't want to take the chance.
It was a pleasant day for January. We walked at Willband this morning and again we saw so many swans on the water and also some flying over our heads as they left.... in search of breakfast?

With DH's help in the kitchen I made butter tarts and an apple pie (he peels and chops the apples). Middle son had mentioned that if I had the lard he'd make the dough and we'd each take half. That suited me just fine. I had to look up a recipe for butter tarts that didn't call for corn syrup ( my usual recipe did) and I found one that will replace my old recipe since I don't really use corn syrup in anything else.

That was my Saturday. Thanks for visiting.


sunrise at Willband. Photo not taken by me.





Thursday, 16 January 2025

This and That

 Thursday already and half of January past!  The month sure is going by quickly ( which is good because we're ever closer to Spring).
I tried 2 new recipes this week. The first was an Oatmeal bar and it turned out rather dry. I won't be making it again. The second one was one of my Impossible Pies that I so like making. This one is a lemon flavour and I can't decide how much I like it. The recipe called for 1/4 cup of lemon juice and in addition I added a few drops of lemon extract. Even so the lemon is hardly noticeable.

 We finished this puzzle. Although it had only 400 pieces they were odd shapes and all those gingerbread men were a challenge.  This morning there were about 20 pieces left. Now it's done.

 I was browsing Pinterest again and saw some pretty sewing/quilting projects that I liked. 

Aren't they pretty?  Thanks for visiting today. Have a lovely Friday.


Tuesday, 14 January 2025

GMO Food Products or Organic?


 Thanks for all the comments on the kitchens.  I've talked about painting ours here but DH very sensibly tells me that it would be awful to paint solid oak cupboards. He's probably right. Eldest once lived in a small house with a tiny kitchen. She painted the cupboards mustard yellow and they were stunning. 

 Miss Kitty has been up to mischief again. Twice this week we've found a dead bird. I feel really bad about it but cats do what cats are genetically programed to do no doubt. Typing the word genetically made me think of something I read on line this week. I checked it out and it seems to be true.  How do you feel about GMO foods?  Do you buy organically grown?

Why Some Apples Are Sold With Stickers And What It Signifies

  All organically grown produce will have a 5 digit PLU code starting with 9. The remaining 4 digits are the same as the conventionally grown version.

 Similarly, an "8" as the first of a five-digit code indicates genetically-modified produce

 That's it for today. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Full moon and Kitchens

 The full moon last night was as lovely as usual. The January moon is called the Wolf Moon after the howling wolves that used to exist during the cold winter months  (according to the Farmers Almanac). The moon will appear super bright for about 3 days from Sunday until Wednesday.

I took the picture from the internet.

It's a normal Monday here. We walked around Mill Lake before DH left for Gleaners. I started laundry. Since I don't have much to blog about I thought I'd show a few pictures that I was admiring on Pinterest last evening.  Mostly kitchens. 

I'm not sure about pink in the kitchen. What do you think?

Maybe pale green?

This one I really like.

If you're still here it's amazing. Thank you for putting up with my excuse for a blog post on this wintery morning. Have a great day.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Chit Chat

 7C and a light rain falling makes for a damp and rather dreary day. I dismantled the tree and of course I dropped one ball. It seems to happen every single year. Luckily it was not a particularly special one.

 Middle son manages a complex of townhouses and apartments 5 days a week but on weekends he likes to bake. I bake too but I tend to stick with the tried and true while he likes to experiment. Right now the wonderful smell of roasted garlic fills the house ( he's making focaccia) and earlier he brought up a couple of crumpets that he just made. It was his first time making them and although I'm not a big fan of crumpets they were very good.

 Not much else happening here. I finished the Ann Cleeves book and enjoyed it. We used to watch Vera on TV and she is the main character in this book so of course all the time that I'm reading about her I'm visualizing Brenda Blethyn.

I'm surprised at how many have memories of either having had perms or had otherwise smelled that awful chemical smell. Thanks for all the comments!!

And thanks for visiting today.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Remembering Perms, a Doll, and a Recipe

 When I was in elementary school I remember my Mom giving me a Toni. My hair had somewhat of a curl but the Toni made a big difference. When I got older I got perms in a salon....the perms of that day were "hot" perms. Does anyone remember those?  The apparatus that was used looked downright scary.
Those perms were thankfully replaced by "cold" perms. I kept my hair short and curly until one day I decided to quit the perms and let my hair grow. Now I either wear them in a pony tail or just pinned back with clips.


It's a lovely sunny winter day here. We met with DH's brothers and SILs for an early lunch. We meet with them once a month.

 On the way we dropped off some things at the thrift store.  Of course I had to browse, even if it was only for a short while. As I walked around a pretty doll caught my eye and although I had no intention of bringing her home she looked so sad at being unwanted that I checked the price. She cost .50. Can you believe it? Anyway she did find a home here. 

The recipe for the muffins that I made earlier this week is on All Recipes site and if you type in Fargosas  you'll have the recipe and any helpful tips.

Thanks for visiting.