Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Hellebores and Strong Wind

 5C this morning with a few drops of rain when we walked. Just saw all the regulars ( birds and people )

My hellebores are blooming in the flowerbed on the north side of the house where the sunshine never reaches. The only one that shows any sign of facing up is Pink Frost. The others just look downwards. They seem happy though. I started with one Black Prince and there are at least 3 self-seeded ones now. Besides Pink Frost and Black Prince I have a white one that I can't remember the name of.

 We had strong winds the other night and I was shocked to find that the hutch part of my outdoor cupboard had been blown off its base and was wrecked. I had various decorative pieces there but only one plate broke. Some other porcelain bits were chipped but none of the things that I put out there were "special". 

 Thanks for visiting 

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Time Change and Pi




11C and breezy this morning when we walked around Fishtrap Creek.  Lots of Canada geese, Mallards and Wood ducks on the water.  I thought there would be fewer people walking because of the time  change but I guess they all had set their clocks ahead.  

When Shannon ( Eldest) came on Friday she brought an old watering can that I had discarded and worked on it while we visited. She's always working on something and that girl has talent.
Needless to say I'll be keeping that watering can when she's done ( unless she wants it but that isn't likely).

Yesterday I did more baking. This time it was cinnamon buns. I pop them into the freezer once they're cooled off.  I'll often take one out of the freezer right after breakfast and by coffee time it's nicely thawed. I make them with low sugar and with no icing so they are not decadent like a store-bought one. I don't use a recipe so I can't give one. One comment I had about the date squares was saying that a recipe would be nice. There are recipes for everything on line and the instructions are there. My haphazard ways of making food are hard to describe. ( My kids might say that the results sometimes look like it too LOL)
On the subject of baking I'll just give you a warning that Pi day is this Friday March 14. This gives us a
chance to decide what kind of pie we'll be making :)

A Strange Science Fact: Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day, and Stephen Hawking died on Pi Day. Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π, which is approximately 3.14. The holiday is celebrated every year on March 14. Notably, Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 and Stephen Hawking died on March 14, 2018

 Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3/14) to commemorate the mathematical constant π (pi), which is approximately 3.14. The day is celebrated by eating pie, reciting pi, and participating in other activities. 

Thanks for coming by.



Thanks for


Friday, 7 March 2025

Date Squares and Library Books

 I baked a Date Square using an old recipe that I believe my Mom used. We always called it date square but I have heard it called Matrimonial Cake. Of course I had to look it up and according to the internet it is a term mainly used in Canada.
Date Squares under any name are a favourite of my Dear Husband.


Why are date squares called matrimonial cake in Canada?
Some feel it is called matrimonial cake because of the two separate layers brought together by dates which symbolizes two people courting and solidifying the relationship in marriage. Others feel that the smooth and rough textures of the date squares represent the easy and difficult times of a marriage.
Do you ever make any, and if so, what do you call it?

These are the books I chose at the library yesterday. I've already begun Stitched in Crime which promises to be interesting. From the blurb:   When murder pierces the fabric of the close-knit Crandlesburg Craft Fair, it's up to the Ninth Street Knitters to make a killer slip their stitch.
I think this will be a fast read. 

It's Friday and Eldest is coming for lunch; maybe youngest too if he's not working.
I hope your Friday is going well. Have a lovely weekend.
Thanks for visiting,


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Wednesday Chit Chat

 11C and sunny. I've been puttering outside watching my helpers move pots around, dig up some compost ready to use this year, and other small jobs that make a big difference.  Now  they have gone home and I am going to sit and read for a while. This is the book I'm currently reading.


In the kitchen....some over-ripe bananas needed using and this is the result.

Tomorrow is World Book Day. I have books to return to the library and more waiting to be picked up.

 Not much else is happening. It's quiet and peaceful....the way I like it.  

Thanks for coming by.





Monday, 3 March 2025

Spring Flowers and some Trivia


Our favourite garden center is open and we made a quick trip to see what looked good. All the different Spring flowers were so beautiful. I chose some and then yesterday when the kids came over they brought more. I love it!!

In the background you can see my messy kitchen also some little jars of jam that I made earlier. I was awake and up early and after we walked I got busy.

Some bits of trivia...... our length of days here in Abbotsford got 1 hour and 30 minutes longer in February. In March we'll gain another hour and 48 minutes. 

Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday  also known as Pancake Day. That will definitely be our supper.

I somehow managed to guess today's Wordle in two tries💗💗 

Thanks for visiting!


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Hello March



March has come in as a lamb for us with sunshine and warm temperatures.

from Nature Diary of an Edwardian Lady


Crocuses are opening. Looks like they are mainly purple with a few clumps of white.  I think I may have some yellow ones in the front yard.   The bees are busily visiting one flower after another.

We attended an Open House for DH's brother's 80th birthday. It makes Saturday feel more like a Sunday. It doesn't take much for me to get my days of the week mixed up.
Otherwise not much to blog about.  
Thanks for coming by.