Sunday 29 December 2019


Here we are on the last Monday of the year. No need to wonder what I'll be doing today.

I got more than 50 pictures developed, mainly of Christmas, and I may even have time to start scrapbooking them. There are still leftovers from the 25th and 26th so supper will be very easy to put together.
What are you planning on doing today?

Granny Marigold

Saturday 28 December 2019

Memories of Christmas 2019

We had a wonderful Christmas. In the days leading up to the 25th I made my usual Peanut Butter/Rice Krispies recipe ( that have to be frozen then dipped in chocolate). I don't know what I did wrong but they would not stick together so I decided to skip them this year. Well, my sons weren't about to let that happen so they made them ( and from now on they can do it every year. YAY!!)

I sure should have run a brush through my hair before this picture of myself with daughter Sheila and GD Kate.

Youngest son bought me this absolutely beautiful hanging thing that I cannot describe but it is here on the top right hand of the photo. I must find a better picture that shows the entire thing.. It is battery powered and turns quietly as if a gentle breeze is moving it.

 Found one...

Here's a photo of me and DH as well as daughter Sheila and youngest and oldest sons.  Too bad we didn't get one of  all of us. Oh well, there's always another chance.

I'm off to the library to pick up a copy of Marilla of Green Gables, a novel by Sarah McCoy, that one of you dear people mentioned in a recent post.

Thanks for coming by,

Granny M.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas

I just want to wish each one a very happy and blessed Christmas.  Take time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.

Love,  Granny Marigold

Saturday 21 December 2019

Christmas Home Tour

It was a rainy day but we didn't let that stop us from going on a tour of some beautiful homes all done up for the season. These homes have been in more than 20 Hallmark movies, most of them Christmas related. Sadly we were told that pictures could only be taken of the outside of the houses.  How I would have loved to show you some of the wonderful details inside.

In one of the houses there was a narrow windy set of stairs going up to the attic where an awesome  miniature railroad with many houses, stations and trains was set up ( Karen, I would have loved to be able to show it to you and Ken.) 

Each house had decorated Christmas trees in every room it seemed, even in bedrooms. Gingerbread houses, gingerbread people, even a large gingerbread wreath.

This friendly dog was happy to greet everyone.

All the proceeds of the tour were going to International Justice Mission (IJM) of Canada. We heard a little of the good work this organization does throughout the world rescuing victims of violence and slavery.

It was so much fun to have a peek into these houses. I hope you enjoyed seeing the outsides, at least.


Friday 20 December 2019

Random Bits

 Life in this house is very quiet as we wait for Christmas and family gathering around the table. We celebrate two days of Christmas with the 26th actually more anticipated by some of us. The meal on the 25th will be the turkey/ham with all the sides. The 26th is all appetizers and finger food.  That's the day the Crokinole board will come out as well as all manner of other games. The noise level will be considerable!!

I've been rereading some chapters of Miss Read's Christmas.

Do you keep past issues of favourite magazines?  I love getting them out and looking at the beautiful photos . It doesn't bother me that they're past issues and I'm too frugal to pay what new ones cost.

My supper this evening is one of my favourites. Crepes filled with cottage cheese and covered with lots of blueberry sauce. 

I hope you're finding time to relax and enjoy this special time of the year. 

Thanks for visiting,

Granny Marigold 

Wednesday 18 December 2019

This and That

I'm sure many of you are busy baking last minute goodies this week. I'm wearing an apron made many years ago by my youngest sister. She has given me another one, even prettier, which I'll try to show next time. I love getting them out every year.

 I made Biscotti, some just with Pistachios and others with Pistachios and fruit. 

I remembered to take a picture of a Stollen that I sent along with DH for the Gleaner's Christmas luncheon.

On our morning walks we pass a  senior's building which is nicely landscaped and at Christmas, decorated outside and also in the lobby.

Continued on and admired the snow on the mountains....

...and the Heron who seems to be spending the winter here. Excuse the unsightly garbage in and around this area.

Thanks for stopping by,

Granny M.

Sunday 15 December 2019


It's Sunday afternoon and very soon this quiet house will fill up as the family comes over to celebrate their dad and grandad's birthday ( which was actually yesterday).

We went for our walk this morning in a light misty rain. I'm glad we didn't turn back because we saw this little Golden-Crowned Kinglet. I haven't spotted one for years. This one landed right close to us and I was sorry I didn't have my camera.  ( the picture is from the internet)

I hope your Sunday is a pleasant one,

Thanks for coming by.

Granny M.

Friday 13 December 2019

A Lovely Afternoon

It is my daughter Sheila's last day of holidays and it has become a tradition that every year we visit local shops to browse and admire all the pretties.  This first shop was a tea shop and at first we wondered if we'd go in but I peeked in the window and saw displays of teacups ( with price tags hanging from them) so of course we HAD to go in.

These  cookies were so pretty but I think they would have been very hard!

As we were leaving I took this picture of the window display.

We walked half a block to the next store. More expensive pretty things!

Then on to a nursery just out of town. This old bath tub just outside the door caught my eye.

There are 2 cats that have been part of that place for no less than 17 years!!! They love to be patted and picked up too.

I wish I'd have moved that ugly thing on the right. It does nothing to enhance the picture. But isn't this big guy adorable?

I didn't find a single thing that I wanted to buy until this last shop. When I saw the small reindeer I knew it would be perfect to put  beside the big one that I bought at a garage sale ( or maybe a thrift store) earlier in the year. 

We came back here and had a lovely tea ( using Christmas teacups). Now she's gone home and I'm about to put my weary feet and relax.

Thanks for visiting,


Wednesday 11 December 2019

Wordless Wednesday ( a bit late)

Here it is almost suppertime and I'm finally sitting down at my computer.  My wordless Wednesday will probably be seen by most of you on Thursday. Here are random pictures from around my house.

Thanks for stopping by,

And thank you for all the lovely comments on my calendar idea. To think I almost didn't push 'publish' because I thought it was too strange a thing I did, reusing old calendars.