Sunday 26 April 2020

Quiet Sunday Walk

We walked beside the Sumas river on this slightly overcast morning. The trail on the north side is shaded by old trees and rocky outcroppings. We cross over the river and come back to the parking lot on the south side walking on the dike that follows the river.  As we neared the end of our walk a few drops of rain fell, nothing much at all.

A field of dandelions!!

It's hard to see but that's a male wood duck. We wondered if his mate was nearby sitting on the nest.

Again far away but those are common Mergansers.  We wondered if that piled up vegetation could be a muskrat's  home. 

Now lunch is done and I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch and reading until it's time to head over to our youngest son's place to play dominoes (Mexican train).
I hope you are also having a quiet and restful day.

Thanks for coming by,   G.M.

Saturday 25 April 2020

More This and That

This plant was given to me by someone who had no idea what it was called. After asking various plant 'experts' I finally found one who was able to identify it as Sanguinaria,  ( Bloodroot). When I look up that name it shows a plant with  single flowers with few petals so I'm not totally convinced. It blooms before any leaves grow. Here it has been in bloom about a week and only now are the leaves growing.
If I remember to water it those leaves will stay green all summer but if it dries out it will go dormant.

Turtles on a log hoping for sunshine ( it's a day of very mixed weather. Sun, rain and even hail with some thunder and lightning.  A bit of rain fell when we went walking but we had brought umbrellas.

Taken before the rain. I hope the blossoms are still there tomorrow.

This little fellow blends in very well, don't you think?

We noticed tags attached to low branches.  Each had a few encouraging words.

Does it seem to you that one day seems very much like another?  

Hopefully soon our lives will go back to whatever our new normal will be.
Have a peaceful day.

Thanks for visiting,  G.M.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

This and That ( but mostly about Geese).

Some pictures taken on our morning walk.....

That first bunch of goslings are getting bigger and less  cute but in the background you can see another, newer  family of fluffy babies.

On the water we saw this little family with 5 goslings.

And just so this post is not just about geese I will show you some gorgeous Tulips my eldest daughter gave me this morning.

I looked up what kind of tulips they might be and the closest are the "Orange Princess" ( shown below).

Thanks for visiting today.  Please leave a comment so I know you were here. I always appreciate comments!

Granny M.

Sunday 19 April 2020


Another quiet Sunday afternoon. Not much happening here. We did go to Lowes and stood in line to get in, keeping our distance from everyone else, and in their garden centre we found the Early Girl tomato plants we wanted. So far I had no luck finding them elsewhere.  I found some Snapdragon seeds that I wanted and have now sown them inside. I don't remember from other years but the package says not to cover the seeds. I found that different but that's what I did. I hope they all grow because I love Snapdragons.

A few cute things I found on FB recently then I'm off to sit on the porch and do more relaxing!!

This last little cartoon which is very apt for myself and my DH as we lose our hearing.

Thanks for coming by,

Granny Marigold

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Mostly about Teacups

Mary at Hilltop Post asked if I knew just how many teacups I have and do I have a favourite.  Last year M thought he'd go through my place and count my teacups. I forget what his final count was but it was over 200. As for a favourite?  That's like asking a mother which child is her fav. Well, maybe not quite that bad but I did wander around trying to decide and these are the ones I chose.

The first 2 are part of my Japanese collection ( of which there are 22).

Doesn't this one with the short little 'feet' look a bit like a fat mother hen?

This teacup is by Royal Stafford and has a unique raised  painted pattern.

By now I was wanting to choose more and more as my favourites so I just took another couple of pictures. They are all special in some way or another.

 Here are the ones I washed yesterday up on that high shelf over the doorway into the sunroom.
Sorry for the awful picture but you get the idea.

My goal for today was to clean the livingroom windows and wash the lace valances which I got done this morning. Now all that remains to be done is to hang the valances and put back the furniture
( after I mop the floor back there).  Again I apologize for the bad picture but the sun shining brightly outside made it impossible to get a decent picture.

Now I must go finish what I began and go out and enjoy the lovely sunshine.
I hope the sun is shining where you are too!

Thanks for coming by,   GM

Tuesday 14 April 2020

My Day

It's another lovely April  morning. We left the house at 8:30 for our morning walk around the lake.
The Eagles were sitting side by side on their favourite tree. We have seen one sitting on the nest but not very regularly. I wonder if they will succeed in raising a chick this year or not.

The ducks had obviously read the sign and were observing physical distancing.

 The goslings in this picture, taken last week....

...have grown a lot.  There are still seven of them. Unlike ducks the geese manage to raise almost 100% of their chicks. Ducks do far worse.  So far we haven't seen any baby ducklings at all.

Besides my walk the only other chore I've decided to do today is to wash another 16 of my tea cups. My  son lifted them down from the high shelf in the dining room last evening. I knew he wouldn't have time before leaving for work this morning  ( yes, he's still working) and the fact that the cups are on the table makes any procrastination unlikely. I imagine I'll ask him this evening to put them back. I no longer stand on chairs ( well, I'm not supposed to anyway). 

What are you keeping busy with today?  I hope whatever your day holds that it is a good one.

Thanks for visiting,  G.M.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Happy Easter

 Not much is happening that I could post about so I just went around the house and took pictures of yellow things. Yellow seems to be the colour of Spring.

The tea cup with Daffodils inside has no saucer. Someday I hope to find the matching one.

 This one has the Daffs on the outside of the cup and it also has the saucer!

I baked Paska buns instead of larger loaves.  They disappeared so fast I had to make a second batch.
The icing and the sprinkles on top are part of the tradition. My Mom made hers in tall tins which is how she remembered them from her own childhood.  I can't remember if the tins she used were empty Crisco tins or something else. Maybe my sisters will know.

I found a photo on the internet of how my mom's loaves looked!!  These have sprinkles but no icing. That would not be acceptable around here.We like our icing too much.

I wish everyone a very joyous Easter. I know it will be very different from usual and that's sad but hopefully soon our world will return to normal.

Granny Marigold

Wednesday 8 April 2020

A Bit of Cheer

Do you need cheering up this morning?  Here are some Spring flowers just for you.

What?  That didn't cheer you?  Maybe try this then.

I do hope you are having a good day in spite of all the problems in the world.

Granny Marigold