It's snowing again. We walked in a light snow but now it's much heavier. So beautiful to watch as it falls as you can barely see out the window, behind my Amaryllis. I'm pleased that so many of my Amaryllis that I didn't bother putting into dormancy, are growing flower scapes. "Nymph" is the first one to open and has 3 blooms and an unopened bud.
My lemon scented Geranium had grown lanky over the winter and I trimmed it back.
It's a day to do small chores ( such as pruning plants) and I'm doing a load of laundry. Nothing important but pleasant as I keep looking out at the snow.
Thanks for coming by, GM
Diane: I do remember how itchy some of those sweaters were!
Happyone: Yes, I remember wrap around skirts, in fact, I still have one. It's a pale blue denim.