Thursday, 2 January 2025

Thursday Chit Chat

 Is life going back to normal yet for you?   Here it was grocery shopping as we usually do on Thursday mornings.  After we came home I made a to-do list and began to do what I needed to do. First thing was something I should have done yesterday and that was changing both calendars.  This is December 2024 followed by the new one (peeking out from below).  I have transferred all important dates from the old to the new calendar.

Below is my 2025 bathroom one. Sheila told me that I'm the only person she knows that has a calendar in the bathroom but I find it invaluable. When I first get up I don't necessarily remember what day it is LOL.

I couldn't resist the marked down Christmas chocolate oranges. This one is orange taffy flavour!

I received this Rae Dunn mug but I'm not sure I'll keep it. Not only is it heavy ( especially when full) but also I find it difficult to drink out of a square-ish mug.

I  picked up a large jar of no name marmalade at the grocery store..  Of course I prefer the small, imported brands but I also like to make my own. I find that when I do make some I can omit sugar and add however much of this overly sweet n n stuff. Works for me.

That's it for today.  Thanks for coming by.