Sunday 1 May 2016

May Day

I like this page from Edith Holden's Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I have probably used it in previous years but who gets tired of it, right?

 We had a beautiful day, quite warm and sunny. Had a nice walk before it got too warm.
Do you see the Great Blue Heron sitting on a log in the lake hoping for lunch?

This morning we saw the first goslings of the season.  There were nine or maybe ten. They kept milling about and it was hard to tell. I didn't get a picture but these off the internet will do. Take my word for it, they looked just like these!!

I hope your merry month of May got off to a great start. I have lots of plans of things to plant and more organizing and uncluttering. What plans do you have for this coming month?

Thanks for visiting. 

             Granny Marigold


  1. I love the beautiful chaffinch nest and flowers! That's quite a goose family. The heron is very majestic. I love watching them fly over my house. With all the lakes around here I get to see them fairly often. I plan to buy some tomato plants soon for my balcony. Hope they'll get enough sun. I'm on the east side of the building. I'm also going to try some flowers. Happy May Day!

  2. There will be lots of gardening chores for us this month, and some plant sales, as well as everyday routines.

  3. The garden and a little decorating is planned for this month. Happy May Day.

  4. That is sure a beautiful watercolor of the nest and eggs (and flowers!)
    We haven't seen any baby geese yet--but it should be soon.
    Happy May Day!

  5. I have big gardening plans! Even if I can garden just a little without hurting my back, I will be happy. Aren't those baby geese pretty swimming!
