Monday 14 December 2015

A December Monday

Not much happening here on this December Monday. It happens to be my DH's birthday so the children will be dropping in later. I got my laundry done and not much else. I started reading a Beverly Lewis book ( she writes fiction about the Amish people). Not sure where I picked up the book  but decided to try reading it and if I didn't feel like finishing it I'd pass it on to some friends that I know enjoy her style. Well, it has gotten me into the story and because it's an easy read I may just finish it tonight.
We had more wind and rain on the weekend. Apparently there is a chance of snow flurries around the 25th so I'm hoping for some. Not enough to keep people from coming over, just some lovely flakes coming down. Like in the picture below.

                                    I hope you have a wonderful week. 

               Thanks for coming by!     Granny Marigold



  1. Happy birthday to your husband! Those pictures are beautiful!! Can you imagine driving on that road in the second picture!

  2. Snow would be cozy! Happy birthday to your husband!

  3. Thank you for the snow pictures... we usually have a lot of snow by now but our temps have been in the 40s and 50s and no snow in the foreseeable future... not even for Christmas :-( I love Beverly Lewis... I am slightly obsessed with Amish books. Have a great week!

  4. Hi! Snow is so pretty but hoping there will be none from our son traveling this week-end. I like to read the Amish books and have read a lot of Beverly Lewis. Which one are you reading? Nancy

    1. The one I'm reading is "The Covenant". I have only a few pages left to read!!

  5. It would be fun to have a bit od a white Christmas.

  6. Hi G.M. we have been having lots of rain and mild weather too. I'm happy with that! Easier for travelling.
    Have a good week.

  7. We DO have lots of snow today. It's so pretty!

  8. I have been abit out of the loop this week so am a couple of days late in wishing W. a happy Birthday. Here the view from my window resembles your pics with an expected 10-20 cm. of snow to be falling today. Pretty to look at but not so great to drive in. I too have read alot of Beverly Lewis, today I am enjoying a 1,000 pc. Christmas puzzle. Enjoy your day.

  9. Hope you get your white Christmas! :)

  10. Amish people..
    oh interesting
    I like the dolls I have of the Amish..
    ...the snow pics I love I put a few on my post today too..might save yours..
    you can save mine too..

  11. I read somewhere that you weren't feeling too well. I hope you are on the mend now!
