Saturday, 5 December 2020

An experiment

 It being Saturday morning I thought I should do some baking. I made scones first....

...and since I had taken the food processor down for that recipe I wondered how it would work to make cookie dough using the same method ( instead of the creaming of the butter with the sugar, adding the egg.... Apparently it doesn't work. So I patted the crumbly dough into an 8 X 12 pan and baked that until it was golden brown.

I had several cans of condensed milk in the pantry and lots of chocolate chips so I made that 3 minute fudge we all know and love. I poured it over the baked cookie bar.

Last of all I sprinkled flaked almonds on part of the fudge topping for those in the family who like nuts.

No doubt my family will love it.   Chocolate chip cookies will have to wait until  NEXT weekend. I'm done baking for today.

Am I the only one who likes to mess with recipes?  Sometimes it works and sometimes the result is less-than-satisfactory but it's almost always edible.

Thanks for coming by today.  Hopefully you're enjoying a lovely weekend.

Granny M.


  1. Your scones are gorgeous! That is, they have the look that to anyone who has eaten a scone recognizes as related to the flaky deliciousness. It's a certain sort of beauty. ;-)

  2. Oh that looks so good, but I'd leave the nuts off mine.

  3. Your kitchen is always producing something yummy! Yes, I "tweek" recipes as well and like you, sometimes it works and something not. I made "Sweet Marie Bars" this weekend, an easy no-bake treat that we all love. Do you still make your chocolate dipped peanut butter balls?

  4. Good cake-baker for a good family! They will like it!

  5. The scones look wonderful!
    Your cookie experiment is interesting, and covered with chocolate, well, why not!

  6. What little in the way of cooking and baking my mama was able to teach me before she died when I was fourteen (which wasn't much) she never used a recipe. She had maybe a handful of actual recipes she used as "guides" but hardly ever followed them. And that's how I learned. When she died, I had to learn how to cook on my own for my dad, brother and I... I would ask my dad what he thought mama used to make a certain meal and he would tell me as much as he thought he knew, and I just went from there best as I could. All my life, I've rarely used a recipe and even when I do I will vary it to suit us or be able to use what I have on hand. I never make things the same way twice, but it must be okay because Jerry has never complained and always cleans his plate lol. Jerry says your scones look deeeeeelicious! Blessings!

  7. I used to always fiddle with recipes (I seldom bake nowadays), usually because one or more of the ingredients weren't available, and most of the time the end result was edible even if it didn't look very presentable :))

  8. Everything you make Granny, always looks so delicious to me. I don't think you ever have any failures in the baking department do you? Wish I was there to help try all these good things out!

  9. I like to experiment with baking a bit too! That's a lot of lovely treat you made!🥰❤

  10. I'm with you on the edible part, lol! I don't have fussy taste buds.

  11. The scones look delicious and I would be MORE than happy to be a taste tester on your experiment. My, it looks wonderful. Especially with the almonds on it. I love almonds in pretty much any baking. Well, maybe not berry pies! :-) A real oven is probably what I miss most in the RV. I have three ovens, but none of them bake like at home.

  12. I bet I would totally love this!

  13. What a good looking scone! Yes, I tweak recipes frequently. Not so much baking, but cooking ones. The fudge looks delicious!

  14. Oh my mercy GM! Girl....those scones look delicious and my mouth is watering over that chocolate with nuts! I have got to get some baking done too. I always start early and make some to freeze, to give as gifts during the Christmas season and some for me.......just for me! LOL! Maybe I will some baking this week. Time is getting away from me. Enjoy your week dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. You are an imaginative and experimental/creative baker. In my experience, that kind of person is rather rare. Lots of us are adequate cooks/bakers, and can make a cookie or cake if required. But you, GM, are the " real McCoy"!!
