Saturday, 28 February 2015


In all of Canada we here on the coast  are some of the very few people that can look outside and see Spring. Our winter was so mild that the transition to Spring happened almost without our being aware of it. February was not bad at all and now we come to March and Crocuses are in full bloom, Daffodils have fat buds and even the tulips are a fair size. The plants, that is. No buds on those just yet.  I just had to post a few pages of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady because you know by now that I love her illustrations.

The Primroses that I had in the house have been moved outside and maybe tomorrow I'll plant them in the ground. They may or may not grow and bloom next year but I'll give them a chance.
The Primroses in the photos below are so lovely. I believe they are called Auricula . I used to have them growing in a spot where I couldn't see them all that well so I moved them and they didn't like the new area and died. I got some new ones last year but so far they haven't shown any growth so I don't know if they survived. I hope they did.

       Sending out thoughts of Spring and all the loveliness that it brings!

                Granny Marigold