Monday, 17 February 2020

My Day

A reasonably nice day today. Not exactly sunny ( so far) but at least it's not raining.
We noticed as we were on our walk that the geese are beginning to be territorial. The old saying that Two is company, Three is a crowd seems to be what these geese are thinking as they persistently chased one goose away.

Clouds hanging over the lake,  some Mergansers out there in the middle.

The Eagle up in one of its favourite trees, too far for me to get a decent picture.

 Once we came back and I had tidied the house I thought I'd get my little seed chest in from the garden shed and see what seeds I have left from last year and make a list of what I need to pick up this year.

That's done and now I think I'll go and see what you, my virtual friends, are doing. I hope you are having a good day.
Thanks for coming by,  G.M.


  1. Love your seed chest! I have a metal container and keep my leftover seeds in the fridge. Not ready yet to order but soon.

    Snowy here again today but we've had many moments of sun too. The rest of the week is supposed to get warmer and warmer as we go. Can't wait!

    Have a great evening.

    X Chy

  2. Isn't it wonderful to have a body of water nearby! Always something to see, weather or animals, etc. -- in relationship to the water as well as the more usual land. :-)

  3. Always love to come and find a post from you..I was just looking at a seed catalog today. And thinking I need to either buy something or come up with a way of starting some cotton seed a friend sent me.I would have to start them inside up here. I hope I can at the least take better care of my flowers this year. I don't have many. Do you have a garden or just flowers?

  4. We had a sunny day!!
    There are some geese by the town pond but far they are all hanging out together.

  5. Adventurous watching of the geese and eagle!

    Funny text of two / three :)

    Seeds in your house tell about new hope for the new season. All nature prepares or is beginning to prepare.

    Hope for some sun after such a long time of raining in your region.

    Sometimes the climate plays crazy - - -

    Many greetings from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

  6. Happy Monday! We have canadian geese out at the lake every summer and I have to admit, they can be just plain mean. I keep a distance from them for safety's sake! Yesterday when Dennis was working on the ladder, I saw an eagle soaring over the house. It was so windy I never saw it flap it's wings once. I watched it float on the air currents until it was out of sight. It was truly beautiful to watch. I'm glad you got your seeds all sorted out and are ready for spring.

  7. That's just what I plan to do this week. I just had two free packs of seeds with my gardening magazine, so that's a start.

  8. Sorting seeds used to be one of my favourite late-winter activities, thinking about what old regulars we wanted and what new thing we could try growing. Browsing heirloom seed catalogues for unusual items was so much fun :)

  9. Hi Granny! Did you know that Canada Geese mate for life? I learned that long ago when we lived in a place where hundreds of thousands of them would stop by in the Fall on their way south. Always so interesting. Hope you can find some seeds that you can use this year. It's so fun browsing through the seed catalogs when they come. Your house looks so cheery inside in your pictures! Take care.

  10. I’ve gone through my seeds too. Looking forward to spring and getting some things planted!

  11. Love the seed chest. Our thoughts are now turning to what we will be planting in the coming season.

  12. Your seed chest is just as cute as it can be. Looks like the ideal place to keep your seeds neat and organized.

  13. I love your little seed chest! I have a few seeds left over from last year that I have stored over in my refrigerator, but may just buy new ones. Thanks for the reminder that it is time to plan. Your sunroom is such a happy place!

  14. Oh my goodness! I adore your seed chest! I can assure you that as soon as the weather begins to cooperate I will be planting some seeds. We actually planted potatoes last weekend and still are harvesting collards. Love the farm life. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. it IS exciting to know that Spring is coming! I am so glad you can garden! You have such nice things and that little seed chest is darling!

  16. A seed chest, what a great idea! Spring is getting close time to think about new growth!!

  17. I did put peas in the garden already. Bought new seeds for that. I'm hoping to use my saved okra seeds though.
    We hear so many geese passing overhead all winter, on their way somewhere. I love their cries.

  18. Greetings to you.
    Thank you for the nice pictures.

  19. I like your seed chest. I need to get one of those!

  20. I like the idea of the seed chest. I put mine around in various things, they get moved and then poof they are gone.
