Still very chilly weather and the strain on our 46 year-old furnace has caused it to quit. Middle son has called for a fellow to fix it if it is possible. Meanwhile we have a few electric heaters going.
We had a heating pad that hardly worked at all any more so we bought a new one and put the old one in Miss Kitty's bed ( well covered by her blanket just in case it gets too warm). I think she loves it because yesterday she hardly moved out of it to wander around the snowy back yard.
I have time to read and I'm reading both my latest library books at the same time. Do you do that? Read more than one book at the same time? I'll post the blurb for each book but feel free to skip that part if you're not interested. I received a copy of Gretchen Rubin's first book (The Happiness Project) when it came out some years ago and have reread it again. She's such an interesting person and her books are very informative but also easy to read.
( Second book was not one I wanted to finish nor recommend.)
Calla Lily gifted to me by Eldest Daughter and Youngest Son
African Violet that she brought on a recent visit. I don't have much luck getting African Violets to rebloom after their initial burst fresh from the greenhouse. I water them and put them in a bright light but any new blooms are few and far between so the plant goes to the thrift store and someone with a green thumb buys it and no doubt has great success. (yes, there are thrift stores that will take plants to resell).
I'll be back in two days.......thanks for visiting.
Oh, I like that poster. So true.
ReplyDeleteBeing without a furnace now in the dead of winter is awful. Take care.
Not a good time for your furnace to quit on you!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, I often read a couple of books at the same time.
The African Violets that I got from Connie at the library are still blooming and growing!!! I have to put them in bigger pots.
So cold and now the oven does not work! But you have ideas to help, also for Miss Kitty !*!*!*!* Good books make your heart and mind warm. Lovely flowers have a good place in your house.
ReplyDeleteHere in German language:
DeleteSo kalt und jetzt funktioniert der Ofen nicht! Aber du hast Ideen, um zu helfen, auch für Miss Kitty !*!*!*!* Gute Bücher erwärmen Herz und Seele. Schöne Blumen haben einen guten Platz in deinem Haus.
"...a world invigorated by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching."
ReplyDeleteI was just reading someplace else how important these are to our happiness. So true, but I hardly ever think of it.
How fun that your kids bought you flowers. They sure take good care of you two. I hope your furnace is fixed quickly. This is definitely not the time to be without heat. My violet hasn't bloomed yet either. I keep waiting patiently.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and hugs,
My mom grew the most beautiful violets. Me....not so much. Sure hope you can get your furnace working again. We had to buy a new one two years ago. Stay warm anyway you can!
ReplyDeleteYou've been making the best of a chilly situation! I love that Miss Kitty found comfort in the heating pad—it’s always fun to see pets cozy up to unexpected comforts. As for reading, I can definitely relate to reading multiple books at once! It’s like switching between worlds depending on your mood. Gretchen Rubin’s *The Happiness Project* is a great one to revisit; it's filled with practical advice that stays relevant. Sorry to hear the African Violet didn’t rebloom, but it’s great that someone else will have success with it! Hope your furnace is up and running soon!
ReplyDeleteHope you get your furnace fixed or replaced! I try to read only one book at a time!
ReplyDeleteThat last little text box!! I've been watching a youtube channel of a young woman who is cleaning out her husband's grandma's home, who is a terrible hoarder. Five minutes watching that just makes me want to get rid of everything! It's so appalling. I do hope your furnace is up and running again soon!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely in the third stage of getting rid of stuff. The garage is getting quite messy with all the junk that is waiting to leave here. I sometimes do read more than one book at a time, although there are some that I can hardly put down. I walked through the garden today making plans. February, the shortest month, sometimes seems so long...........
ReplyDeleteTo rebloom African Violets need to stay in a hot spot. I have four of them for more than twenty years and they are blooming again and again. Annie from France
ReplyDeleteThe calla lily is gorgeous. I used to have several African violets. They were in special containers that watered them from the bottom. I had fairly good luck with them but they became more high maintenance than I had time for.
ReplyDeleteWe're definitely in that last stage of life!
ReplyDeleteOh, so sad about the furnace! The flowers are do refreshing to see at this time of winter.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping repairs have already been done.