Saturday, 8 February 2025

Chit Chat

 0C this morning with no wind; a lovely morning to walk at Fish Trap Creek.

 The ducks had managed to keep an area free of ice.

 Here's the puzzle we're currently working on. We work each on our own side of the board ( mine is the side with the most done :)

 A fellow came and took the furnace fan out and brought it back the next day. Seems like old furnaces are able to be fixed. I doubt the newer ones are. In any case we're thankful to have heat again.

I'm going to do some ironing later also baking those Onion/Cheese muffins again.  This time I have fresh garlic to use instead of garlic salt. Hopefully I won't forget any ingredient ( it has been known to happen).

Thanks for visiting.




  1. My husband is the puzzle guy I can't stand them.
    Muffins sound interesting.

  2. Glad you got a nice walk in. Looks like a good way to tackle the puzzle.
    Good news that you have heat again.
    Love the boomers going to school poster. :)

  3. So glad your furnace is fixed!
    That's a funny poster.

  4. It looks lovely white - but also very cold . . . I hope for the ducks, that the ice will be no danger . . .
    The pieces of the unready puzzle look like birds, flying - - - or like the ducks !!!!
    Good, that you have some heat again in your house and something fine to eat ******
    Sometimes old machines are better and better to repair, also cars ...

  5. I like the photo with the ducks, although I cannot image dipping my tummy into that icy water, LOL Enjoy your muffins they sound yummy :)

  6. I had to laugh at your meme but I do believe we walked further than most kids do today. Everyone I know now, drives their kids to school or they take the bus if they're more than a mile away. I know we walked much further than a mile to elementary school, however we did take the bus to middle and high school as they were about 10-12 miles away.
    The ice on ponds around here is just starting to melt but it's supposed to be below 0 F here again this week so I'm sure they will all be iced over again.
    Tomorrow is a busy day so I guess I better fet off the computer and go to bed!

  7. I love those crazy funny things you put at the end. Always make me smile. Faith@FarmhouseWorthy

  8. So glad to hear that your furnace is back up and running again! Definitely a necessity in our winters!

  9. I like cold, crisp weather with no wind. Glad to hear you were able to get the furnace repaired.

  10. It sounds like you had a peaceful start to the day with that walk at Fish Trap Creek! It’s always nice to see ducks making the best of the winter conditions. I love how you're staying busy with the puzzle and the baking—those Onion/Cheese muffins sound delicious, especially with fresh garlic this time! Glad to hear the furnace is working again. Wishing you a cozy day of ironing and baking!

  11. Your winter pictures are so pretty! We are to have more snow beginning tonight through part of Wednesday.
    Glad to hear that your furnace is up and running again! I can't imagine not having heat with these cold temperatures.

  12. WOW! That is a lot of snow and ice. Girl, hope you are staying warm. I am laughing at forgetting an ingredient! Oh have I done this same thing many times!!! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Good news that your furnace is back up and running again.

    All the best Jan

  14. My husband is doing his third puzzle since Christmas. In fact he stole one of my gifts! But never mind I found it took difficult 😂

  15. I love to work puzzles!! I have a new one on the shelf I need to work, seems like something else always comes up. I had to laugh at your comment, looks like you're going to cross the halfway point before the other side if someone doesn't work faster!!!

  16. Nice place to take a walk. Your puzzle is coming along nicely. The onion cheese muffins sound delish. Let us know how the garlic works, instead of the garlic salt.

  17. Great meme!
    So glad the furnace is going again. No fun being cold.
    The muffins sound so good! I have been in a baking mood lately, not good for the diet but oh well.
