Monday 5 September 2016

Apples, and Rosamunde Pilcher

It's the time of the year when fruit stands are full of apples and I am taking advantage of the lower prices that the abundance brings. I've made a couple of trips already and this morning went back for more. The kind I bought are GALA and I paid .59 lb. I don't peel them completely before slicing and freezing them. Probably take about a third of the peel off and that is mainly because the grands prefer less peel.

I've been so disappointed lately in the books I've bought ( at thrift stores) or have requested from the library. So today, after yet another uninteresting one that I quit reading after some 30 pages,  I took down one of my Rosamunde Pilcher collection. This one is short stories  Flowers in the Rain.  A much nicer read.

Are you enjoying the holiday Monday?  I did laundry as per usual this morning but now will take a nice break. I will read and later my oldest GD is dropping by.  Then, at some point I'll deal with those apples.

Thanks again for visiting,

Please leave a comment so I know you were here,

 Granny Marigold


  1. I always enjoyed Rosamunde Pilcher! I may have to get those books back out and read them again!

  2. You sure scored a bargain with the apples. I'm looking forward to fall and baking with them again.

  3. Rosamunde Pilcher is one of my favorite authors. I recently discovered an English author that I really like; Lilian Harry. I have already read 6 of her books, and have 4 on hand. I ordered them on line at Very reasonable prices.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I'll be looking for any Lilian Harry books!

  4. I love Flowers in the Rain, too. Pretty apples, GM!

  5. Hi Granny Marigold, That is interesting that you slice but don't completely peel your apples to freeze them. How do you use them after that? Do you put sugar on them when you freeze them? I have not read Rosamunde Pilcher. Maybe I should see about checking one out from the library. Nancy

    1. The reason I don't like to peel them completely is because I like all the fiber that the peel has. I don't sugar them, just put them in a bag and freeze them. Apple crisp is a big favourite around here and I also make apple 'compote' as a topping for crepes which we have often. It's something all 6 of us like.

  6. Beautiful apples, It made me think Apple Crisp! Or apple cinnamon bread!! We don't get any bargains on apples unless someone has a tree and with our winters and late spring frosts it is hit and miss:(

  7. That is a bargain price for apples. Do you use your frozen apple slices for pie?
    It has been a long time since i read anything by Pilcher but I used to enjoy her writing.

    1. I rarely make pie any more but we do enjoy apple crisp.

  8. I too am a Rosamunde Pilcher fan, although I haven't read anything by her for a while. Mauve Binchy too! I'm drying apples like mad here, that dehydrator is going all day. Hopefully I'll have 4 new trays to add to it by the end of the week, then I'll really be in business!

  9. Like many others I too am a Rosamunde Pilcher fan. Like Anon I have enjoyed Lilian Harry too. So many good British authors!
    You get great deals on apples. Now that we are living in the heart of Apple country here I am hoping to get a good deal somewhere too!

  10. I know what you mean when you've found a book you think might be good, and you end up feeling you have just wasted a lot of time. That has happened with our book club in town, the books are chosen for us, and they are often duds. Wish we had more input. Better luck with the apples! Phil, Eagle Bend, MN

  11. Several of our local orchards were hit by a damaging hail storm this spring so I'm not sure what we will have for apples this fall. Yours look delicious. I'm a Rosamunde Pilcher fan too.
