Saturday, 12 September 2020

More hints of Fall

 An abundance of tomatoes could well be considered a sign of Fall.  Most of these I have already made into Salsa.

My granddaughter Kate gave me the GATHER sign which hangs from the front door knocker. I found an autumnal garland to wrap around it.   (the knocker is in the form of a tiny spade).

For some reason I cannot make this picture turn . Sorry about that.

I found this picture of Tasha Tudor on line. It's one I had not seen before and to me it looks like one taken in the Fall.

 I hope you are all safe from the wicked wildfires.  Here the sun is shrouded behind a thick haze of smoke which makes the eyes burn and breathing difficult.  The only plus is the lower temperature due to that haze.  I feel for those with asthma and similar conditions. 

Thanks for visiting,  G.M.


  1. I love your Gather door hanging. And I'd say you're right about Tasha....she looks like she's working on a fall wreath! So sorry to hear you're affected by all these awful fires too. We're in the middle of the country, so so far, so good. But we have family out in Oregon and Washington and California who are definitely affected.

  2. My baby brother in Oregon says the smoke is bad sad for all the people there and all along the west coast:(

  3. Hi G.M. - The Door Knocker is terrific and a great crop of Tomatoes there. We had bad fires here at the end of 2019- beginning of 2020...mostly on the Eastern Seaboard of our State (New South Wales) -though not close to where we live - however our air was almost un-breathable. Our thoughts go to the Fire Fighters and Residents of California- a very bad situation. Best Wishes. KEV. (Sydney-Australia).

  4. I love that door hanger too. Very nice for fall. You have a wonderful granddaughter to think of you. The smoke is awful here. The news just said it's the worst in recorded history here in Spokane tonight. 488 on the AQI (Air Quality Index), chart that only goes to 500! I choke when I take Chloe outside. I think I'll be inside again tomorrow.
    I think that photo of Tasha Tudor does look like fall. Her photos draw me to wanting a much simpler life.

  5. My heart goes out to all those affected by these fires. Love the door sign.

  6. I hate the wildfires...I feel for people with breathing problems, too.

    I like your tomatoes photo...I need to pick what few that are still out there.

  7. I love the "Gather" sign (I needed to stretch my neck anyway so no problem lol). // We've had smoke from California going over Kansas for quite some time, which makes the sunsets much more orange than usual. I've seen the photos people have taken. Keeping all of you out that way in prayer for safety and health! You take care GM!!

  8. Beautiful tomatoes! Here, if I try very hard, I can eat my first cherry tomato on my birthday, June 1. Such different zones! I'm sorry about those wildfires. I would find them terrifying. I know people think our hurricanes are horrible, but I would be so much more scared to live near wildfires each years. Please stay safe!
    Tasha is wearing my favorite shawl of hers, in that photo. DId you ever notice how many photos she is wearing that shawl in? She must've liked it a lot.

  9. Those fires are simply horrific and the pictures we see make my blood run cold. I feel for all those involved or who have loved ones there, and pray these fires will soon be extinguished.
    Your door knocker arrangement is so pretty. Stay safe dear GM, Mxx

  10. Love Tasha Tudor and fall is my favorite season of all.

  11. O you have smog here!?! I heard in the radio, that there are big fires in USA. Stay safed and healthy!

    I see you have very fine and a lot of tomatoes. We here in our garden the same :) !!! Good idea to make salsa - -

    The autumn-decoration is beautiful - -

    And I really love the photo of Tasha Tudor. This is a good style of living!!

    Best greetings and wishes to you and your region from the Bavaran-Forest-Dori

  12. Every once in a while I get a photo that I cannot turn... it's weird. I love your door hanger, it's perfect for fall.

  13. The feel of fall is definitely in the air. I did enjoy your fall pictures from your previous post.

  14. May the smog stop and the people, animals, plants and forests be safed - - -



    It is very good to train the hands by making dainty handwork like Tasha Tudor.

  15. Loving that Gather sign. I found some cute "gather" dessert plates at the Dollar tree. Love them. Nothing like fresh tomatoes. Happy Day to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
