Monday, 20 June 2022

Summer Solstice 2022


 The June solstice marks the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. As the Farmer's Almanac explains, it occurs when Earth arrives at the point in its orbit where the North Pole is at its maximum tilt — about 23.5 degrees — toward the sun.

After a busy weekend and an equally busy Monday I'm ready for a quiet evening.  It was another mostly cloudy day as the next 2 days will be  but then, if the forecast holds, we're in for some sunshine. The strawberries which have been just waiting for the sun should ripen quite quickly. In the tiny raised bed garden my lettuce has done well and we've had several salads already. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago.

That's my very short post today.  Thanks for coming by,  GM

picture from the internet


  1. I wish now I had planted lettuce in the spring. Maybe next year. It's way too cool for it do do anything now. 106 F today was the "feel like" temperature. I'm hibernating indoors in the A/C.

  2. I'm really looking forward to some summery weather on the weekend. Strawberries are ripening here, too. They are so good.

  3. I love this post! I am in my heart so full of summer-solstice!! Waiting for Christ, the new true light is beginning now with Johannes on 24th June -

    Great picture of Stonehenge!!!

    Fine salad you had already around Easter - I see the yellow bells! I hope for some good sun for you to make the strawberries sweet and red!

  4. I see - looking once more - NO EASTERBELLS, but other yellow flowers! Easter would have been much too early for such big salad-plants!! :)

  5. It is a special moment the summer and the beautiful sun

  6. Before Roger's stroke, I was wanting a raised bed for strawberries...and I would still like to.have one. I miss fresh strawberries. That I have picked myself.

  7. Catherine. Your strawberries look very Good! As it was too hot here my strawberries have suffered a lot. I am waiting for my raspberries now!

  8. Those strawberries look so good! Oh girl, I would love to have grown some lettuce but we decided to plant more squash, cucumbers and a little okra so it took up my space. I hope your week is wonderful to you dear GM. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. I hope that sunshine materializes for you. Salads with home grown lettuce are the best. Our lettuce is long past now as the weather is so hot. Isn't it fun to have strawberries to look forward to?

  10. Happy Summer!
    I had the first of my strawberries on my breakfast cereal. I think the birds have finally discovered them though because don't see any others.

  11. Oh yum. Fresh strawberries and summer salads! At least now, after the solstice, we can start counting down to our next summer season! Enjoy your sunshine :) xx

  12. Finally, ripe strawberries! Soon!
