Saturday 15 October 2022

Doll houses

 When my eldest daughter was going through and sorting boxes from the past she discovered the old tin dollhouse that was mine a long time ago. I must have passed it on to her and both of us forgot about it.

It came with tiny furniture and 2 little pink  children that were in a permanently sitting position. A second dollhouse was also discovered although  neither of us remembers where it came from.



Our beautiful weather just keeps on coming and we've set a number of records for the month of October.  On our walk this morning we saw 2 raccoons, one larger than the other. We assumed they were a mother and her young one.
On the subject of young ones... the 2 black kittens have gone to a lovely home with some neighbours who live across the street. I'm sure we'll be getting regular up-dates on how they're adjusting.

Have you noticed all the cob webs around?   I thought this little cartoon was perfect for this month.


Thanks for coming by,   Granny M


  1. What a lovely dollhouse and yes, the spiders are BIG and they love my livingroom right now....scary!!!
    Love from Titti

  2. The cobwebs are crazy this year. I swept the stairs on Thursday and when I went to do it again today there were about 3 - 4 of them holding spiders. I do not like spiders.
    Take care and enjoy fall.

  3. The houses tell about days of childhood. They are valuable now and then. Sometimes we forget precious things, but when we find them again we are endowed.
    I'm so happy to read the good news about the kitten! What a blessing!
    The spider-cartoon males b a big smile in my mind! So funny and cute :) :)

    Many greetings from Dori

  4. Love the cartoon.
    How awesome to find the doll house treasure!!
    Yay for kitty homes.

  5. The tin doll houses are just wonderful. I have a little carousel made out of tin, it can be wound up and then it spins.
    It would go beautifully with the houses.
    I wish you a happy Sunday. Viola

  6. I have noticed the cobwebs and love that cartoon.

    I bet the dollhouse was well loved..I wonder about the second one since neither of you remember it.

  7. these are so neat. I remember having something similar. What will you do with them? We also have had several beautiful days.

    1. Granddaughter Kate took the dollhouse so they stay in the family.

  8. Glad to hear all the kittens have found homes.
    I had one of those tin doll houses too with all the furniture and the dolls. Don't know what ever happened to mine but I spent many hours rearranging the furniture around. Maybe that is why I still like to move things around to this day. :)

  9. Cobwebs dripping with dew are one of the most pleasant of autumn sights - the only time I can abide spiders! :)

  10. Oh my goodness! Those doll houses are so cute! What a treasure! Happy October. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Now that you remind me I remember my sister having one of those.

  12. What cute dollhouses! Glad the kittens found a good home. I have noticed the cobwebs... time to get the vacuum cleaner out! Have a great week!

  13. I like cobwebs outside, but not inside. And I don't like seeing the makers! The doll houses are very cute.

  14. I hate walking through the webs between trees! Glad the kittens found a good home:)

  15. Good to know that you have found a home for the Kittens G.M. - well done!

  16. Many Cobwebs everyday ready for Halloween !
    Nice to have a family for the kittens. I love doll houses

  17. Great dollhouses! I remember having a Sesame Street dollhouse for my daughter and then doing some refurbishing and passing it onto grands. We're having a fairly warm week this week. Went walking on the trail and hope to fit in a few more outdoor walks before I retreat into the house and exercising with a video! :) Cute spider cartoon. There are more bugs in this apartment than I'm used to, but not too bad. Enjoy your beautiful weather! Not sure why some of you were anonymous on my comments. Glad you signed your name, though I probably would have known your "voice" anyway, lol. :)

  18. Cute little doll houses, and probably nice memories to go with it. Strange to see raccoons during the day as they are nocturnal animals. Makes me wonder if they were sick? In my walks I see lots of folks decorating with cob webs. But real one I hate. Sometimes you walk around the corner of the house right into one you don't see that wasn't there the last time you past.

    1. Sandy, I leave the house to go walking at 7 and now in the middle of October it's still quite dark. So I guess the raccoons are just on their way home.
