Saturday 1 October 2022




Happy October!  What are your plans for this month?

 October to me  means buying a few Spring bulbs and getting them planted. I found these at Walmart this morning and hope to plant them later today.

 We were having people over for tea last evening and I baked Butter Tarts during the day.
I first had made a new recipe for a cake but forgot one vital ingredient so I started over and settled on Butter Tarts because they're so easy. Especially since I had the ready-made tart shells in the freezer.

This is the picture that is on the internet.  They look really tasty but that recipe doesn't call for raisins and around here raisins are absolutely important although I have substituted pecans in the past and those were also declared delicious by my family. Mini Pecan pies.

It's a gorgeous day that began with fog and went on to being filled with sunshine. A good day to plant my bulbs.

Thanks for coming by,  GM


  1. This week is fall break for me and I am loving it :) Fall is my favorite season. Your tarts look wonderful!

  2. For me, of course, October is all about Halloween (my100+ witch doll collection) and decorating for the season. 🎃😊🎃

  3. Beautiful post. October is the month that started day light saving. I will be at beach a lot.

  4. Fall is a beautiful time of year.
    Don't have any special plans, just enjoying each day.
    The tarts looks delicious!!

  5. Our bulbs are ordered and the beds are ready, We worked in the yard this morning and got worn out. Lots more to do during this month of October. By the end of it the yard should be put to bed for the winter.

  6. My plans are to clean out the garden beds (except the beets and carrots which are still growing!) and put them to bed for the winter, plant some garlic and some flower bulbs and finish my canning projects.

  7. October is the month for us to plant bulbs, too, although I haven't purchased any yet. We did some garden cleanup this afternoon. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving with the family, too. Butter tarts are so good. We put currants in them in place of raisins. And those frozen tart shells make it all so easy!

  8. Good Sunday Morning....I'm dropping by from over at Henry Penny's Blog. I am a true Barn lover and the barns in your header are beautiful. It is still Warm here in Texas, but I still love all of the Beautiful Fall colors and I am getting excited to change out the decor around the house. Hope you have a Blessed Sunday.

  9. Buttertarts....oh my. We used to buy them when we traveled to Canada and I loved them. Never seen them around here and have never made them. I'm not a baker. I've not planted bulbs in the fall in years. I've been trying hard to thin things in the fencerows, but that only seems to make them grow even more the following year. I don't have many things left that bloom from bulbs. I think the squirrels and chipmuncks have snacked on them too many years in a row. Narcissus are such pretty flowers and typically bloom early so you'll get to see and enjoy the results of labors not too far down the line. October is the continuation of fall clean up for me. Trimming everything back, takes so much time and I fill so many trashbags and trash cans.

  10. I have never heard of Butter Tarts before and had to look them up. They sound delicious!
    Hope you got your bulbs planted okay. Such a pretty selection should look spectacular in spring :)

  11. I would like to plant some more daffodils this month too. It's also the month we plant pansies. This morning I spent time weeding my herb garden. For some reason it had become overrun with a (new to me) weed. Your butter tarts look and sound delicious.

  12. Happy October dear GM. Those butter tarts look delicious! Oh my! I think I would love those. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. It seems like tea time at your house would always be a treat!

  14. Hi Granny! Just stopping by to say hi! Isn’t October splendid?

  15. I always love reading your posts...pecans for me thank you...but like raisins too. Rigervwoukd bevthe opposite if only one of those were used.

  16. What lovely bulbs!! It's always nice to have something quick to whip up via the freezer!

  17. Those tarts look delicious. I need to do some fall baking soon. We're going camping for a few days this week. I'm truly looking forward to that. We'll probably winterize the camper after this trip. Although we would love to do some snowbirding and head south for part of the winter, I don't think it will probably happen.
    We've pulled up all of the garden after picking the last of the cherry tomatoes. We're also looking at new places to live and keeping our options open. We definitely need to think of moving to the other side of town, there just isn't much available.
    Happy Sunday.

  18. It seems the whole world starts baking in October! I remember your Butter Tart recipe. It was amazing, and it will have to make an appearance this fall also. So yummy!

  19. I saved some beautiful Hyacinth bulbs from last year. I put them in the fridge and will pull them out in late December & pot them up and I hope that I will have some blooms in Springtime. Yesterday I baked chicken pot pie. There is something so lovely about this time of year which brings out all those delightful recipes for baking and cooking. Butter tarts look really good.
