Monday 30 June 2014

Good Bye to June

I don't know how time can pass by so quickly. The days don't seem short but the weeks seem to fly by. Now we are enjoying the sunshine and warmth we've been waiting for. Here are some of the reasons I love Summer:  I love to watch birds; they come regularily to my bird bath and amuse me.   They sing their lovely songs ( well, not the House Sparrows. Or Crows).

                     No one will be surprised if I list Flowers as one of the joys of Summer.

Fresh Produce. MMmmm! Salads made with the freshest of ingredients, straight from the garden if we're lucky enough to grow them.

             The first Berries of the season are always the sweetest and juiciest!

In July I am going to make an extra effort to be aware of each passing day, really live in it and not sail through not noticing what's all around me.

                                 GRANNY MARIGOLD


  1. It just doesn't seem possible that the year is already half over. Love your beautiful photos!

  2. I love the picture of the robin! Love her song. We have a mourning dove nest in the pines by my living room window - can't wait to see what the wee ones will look like. Blessings of the season! ys

    1. I've been told there is no uglier baby bird than a baby pigeon ( or dove). Our baby Juncos fledged sometime between breakfast ( when I saw the parent bird go into the hanging basket where the nest was ) and about 2 hours later when I went to ever so carefully water that basket. Empty nest! I wonder if they'll raise a second batch in the same nest.
