Wednesday 20 March 2019

My Morning Walk

I took my camera with me and took some pictures as I walked around the lake. Birds were singing and lots of people were out walking their dogs or with children in tow ( it's spring break).

I think these are Scaups . Probably hanging around and enjoying the sunshine before heading further North.

Red-Winged Blackbirds nest in these reeds. That's female sitting up in that tree. She scolded me as I walked past. Some years there have been extremely aggressive Blackbirds dive-bombing people as they dared walk the boardwalk. I actually resorted to carrying an umbrella to avoid being hit that year.

Yesterday Abbotsford was the hot-spot of the entire country. We have been setting new records these past 4 days. Reached 24 C yesterday which is 75F. Needless to say we've been doing some much needed tidying up outside.

Thanks for visiting today,

Granny M.


  1. I enjoyed tagging along on that pretty walk with you. So glad we didn't have to fight off any angry blackbirds.
    Your warm weather sounds delightful. Enjoy and Happy Spring!

  2. I would love to have a lake or pond or something like that close enough to walk around. I enjoyed your pics.

  3. Looks like a great place to walk. We were up to 77 degrees today, third day in a row of warm weather. Cool down coming tomorrow.

  4. Yeah for warm weather!! :) It looks so pretty there!

  5. Lovely walking weather. Having the lake must be very enjoyable. Hope the blackbirds hold off this year! I saw a red winged blackbird on our deck a few weeks ago. Just one, and then it was gone. Happy Spring.

  6. Nice walk! I had three pileated woodpeckers right outside my window. Apparently, two males vying for the attentions of a female. Of course, my camera wasn't up to focusing quickly, so I didn't capture them! But it was pretty cool to see and hear! Enjoy that nice weather!

  7. Such a nice walk around the lake. Makes me miss the lake I used to walk around.

  8. Your pictures are beautiful. I love the reflections in the water. Such a pretty place to walk. I was reading Far Side's blog post and read that you had a fall today. Hope you are okay. I am so afraid of falling, especially now that I know how bad my osteoporosis is. Take care.

  9. Neat pictures. I'm looking forward to the red-winged blackbirds returning here to western Minnesota, but it will be awhile yet. Their song is probably my favorite in the summer. If I had to live in an apartment, I wouldn't mind living in that taller building if it looked over the water and marshland. Thanks for the nice post! Phil

  10. Your pictures are that blue blue sky! And 75* weather sounds totally awesome. We've not had it that warm here yet. As a matter of fact, we have snow falling from the sky this morning (Friday). :) But it isn't going to last too long.

  11. Just have to reply here about our falls...I am so scared of falling again. I can't remember if I have mentioned before but my husband had a stroke in August of 2016...he can take care of his personal needs, but tht is about it. Our washer and dryer is down in the basement, and our steps down there are is an old, old, old house. He is no longer capable of using the washer and dryer...and cannot follow simple instructions most of the time.

    anyway, won't go on and on about is just with all this happening to us, I am so careful now. Both our girls works and works long hours. One lives in St. Louis and the other lives in Terre Haute, not that far from us. So it fell to her and her hubby to get me to drs appts and to xrays for a bit...Roger is really not good to drive...though in the end he did some but I would not let him by himself.

    It was sure a dark, dark time...

  12. Such a beautiful walk... thanks for sharing!
