Monday, 9 August 2021

Chickadees and a Snake


 We had a lovely rain on the weekend. Not enough to do a thorough soaking but every bit helps. 

It was cooler today but the rest of the week is forecast to be hot. I baked a cake and made scalloped potatoes. I'm not going to use the oven for the rest of the week if the temperature reaches 30 again.

This afternoon my DH and I were on the porch and we noticed Chickadees pecking away at the seeds on the tall Mullein. I took a few pictures but through the window they are not all that clear. I hope you can see it.

 The picture below is what I was trying to take but it takes a better camera than I have to take such a good photo.  This one is from the internet.

Here's a picture from the past. 2010 was a dry summer too and this little garter snake came for a drink at the birdbath.  I saw it quite by accident when I was outside. I had time to go in and get my camera. He must have been very thirsty.

I hope your week is off to a good start. Thanks for visiting,  GM


  1. That gives me one more reason to plant mullein here -- I might feed a chickadee!

    I've never seen a snake in my yard but I did find two salamanders under a pot once.

  2. I'm sure not one for snakes, even garter snakes!! But that is a very good picture.

  3. I mowed a few of my mulleins down; should have left them for the chickadees. Oh well, there are plenty more. Yay for the rain. Hopefully the drought is broken.

  4. Love birds!!
    ...hate snakes (even harmless ones)

  5. So nice that you got some rain. Yes, I can see your little chickadee. They are such sweet little birds. Now, sweet is not the word I might choose for that snake. You did get a good shot of him drinking from the birdbath.

  6. The photo of the snake is great and I think he looks cute, but I hate to run across them in the yard.

  7. I like the bird but I don’t like snakes I am very scared of snakes. Here we had rain and Autumn days and now summer is coming back tomorow very strange weather!

  8. I've never seen a snake take a drink like that before - that is so cool to see.

  9. Oh goodness me! A garter snake at your birdbath? I would have been too freaked out to even think of getting a camera. All those garter snakes at the farm when I was growing up has left me with a dreadful memories! As an adult I know they are harmless but I still shudder at the thought of them. We too had a good rain last night though just 3 miles away in town they received a full inch more than we did. Perhaps (and hopefully) more will fall as it will take some time to rejuvenate everything with a deep watering!

  10. Did you hear about the hot cahastrophe in South Europe? The forests are burning, and the fires run to the houses.

    Here we have rain, This year ist is enough to give the trees and the forest and all plants enough water- -

    Stay save , dear Granny Marigold amd your plnts, birds and family!

  11. Snake!!!! YIKES!!

    Cool photo of the snake though!

  12. That snake picture is amazing! I think you could enter it into a nature photo contest.
    - Sheila

  13. This is so sweet...the Chickadee and the snake. Glad he got a drink of water.
