Wednesday, 29 December 2021

A Tale of Woe

 It has been an eventful week for us. So much snow and record breaking  low temperatures On Christmas day we were invited for turkey and all the trimmings at Kate's place. When my DH got out of the truck onto the icy surface his feet flew out from under him and he fell and hurt his back. He is still hobbling along and in pain.  (We did enjoy the lovely meal Kate and Pat made).
Due to the unusual cold we had a water line freeze; fortunately when it was thawed it had not cracked.
Are you tired of hearing about our woes?  Well, DH's cell phone went through the washer and expired.
I got a different computer and now have Windows 10. Needless to say I am experiencing some difficulties. Okay, I think that's enough complaining.  We have a warm house and no need to drive in the snow.



We were a small group on the 25th and a slightly bigger group on the 26th. We played Dominoes and had a variety of appetizers and sweets.  

Now we look forward to the New Year. I am leaving the Christmas tree and other decorations for now. I'm not in a hurry to put everything away.  

Shortly before Christmas I found these plates at the thrift store. The pattern is Berry Xmas Poinsettia.


I think I will post one more teacup that I'm sure I haven't shown.   I'm no longer sure of  which I've shown because I have them in various places. 


Thanks for visiting!   Granny M


  1. Your snow is much prettier than mine. The wind blew it off the trees quickly and we never had that wonderful lacy look.
    I like your Christmas plates.
    Sorry about the sore back. I can relate, and am being overly cautious about falling. Windows 10 took some learning when we switched two years ago, along with new computers. but we figured it out, mostly be Googling.

  2. You did have a beautiful white Christmas. Snow and ice, however, can sure make for some difficult times. I am sorry about your hubby's back. Hopefully, he will be better soon. I have enjoyed seeing your collection of cups. This one is a real beauty.

  3. First: Fine new header!!

    O snow!!! Here in bavaria it is very mild and warm and raining and raining. But this is not seldom in this time between Christmas and the 6th of January... since more the onehundred years. But somehow the climate does not what we want :)

    I'm sorry for your husband injured. But thanks goodness nothing is broken! Best wishes to him!!

    The plates are fine for this holy time. The cup I did not see before, very nice!

    I also let the Christmas-tree in the room, because Christmas still is not over! Some or many people don't know this and hurry too much. Sorry for them...

    Have a good and happy new year with blessings and joy!

  4. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about all the difficulties in your lives lately. Praying that your DH feels much better soon. Falling on ice is horrible. You surely got a ton of snow and now cold...stay in and warm. Sorry about that phone too. Things can only get better, right? Glad you enjoyed a delicious meal at least. Do take care!!!

  5. Hope your husband's back feels better soon. My husband hated windows ten:(

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's fall, do hope that he is on the mend. Your white winter photos are breathtaking . . . absolutely beautiful :) Love the pretty plates as well. Stay in and stay warm . . . no more falls, okay!
    God bless you,
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  7. I am so sorry for the things that are causing you woe. I hope your husband's back soon heals well. Glad you were able to enjoy the meal. Those are very pretty plates you found, and the teacup very seasonal, too.
    The snow is so beautiful, and it's falling again here this evening. Happy New Year!

  8. I am sorry for all the troubles you have had. I wondered if something had happened. I hope your hubby feels better soon.

    Love those plates. And the cup, too.

  9. I hope your beloved feels better soon!!!! God bless you ❤ it's a pretty teacup 🥰

  10. Oh dear you have had a "week" haven't you? I'm so sorry about your DH back and I'll be praying that he heals quickly and the pain goes away. There is SO much snow everywhere. Meanwhile we're still snowless although that is due to change on Saturday. The weather people can't agree how much though. Anywhere from 3 to 15 inches!
    Windows 10 is NOT fun. I hope you figure it out very soon. Meanwhile, your snow is beautiful! Stay inside and warm.

  11. Oh no, what a week you have had to suffer. Strange how everything seems to happen at the same time, so I hope that is the end of your woes for a while. I'm glad you have a warm house to snuggle into, and I love your snow pictures.
    Hugz to you both, and hope hubby's back is soon much improved. Mxx

  12. Sorry to hear about your woes, but if you can't tell friends, who can you tell? I hope DH's back is mending quickly. Back pain is no fun at all. I have Windows10 too and it was an adjustment but you do get used to it. I love how you have found a silver lining (warm house and no need to drive in inclement weather).

  13. So sorry you've had such a bad week!!
