Thursday, 17 March 2022

St. Patrick's Day and Houseplants





Do you do anything special to celebrate this day? It's granddaughter C's 19th birthday so that's what we are celebrating. 

That shamrock rainbow and the pot of gold remind me of the beautiful rainbow we had yesterday around supper time. The weather was strange with sunshine and showers alternating so it was no surprise that we saw the rainbow. Today we're back to sunshine in the forecast.   The sky was clear enough in the evening that we could see the full moon. Apparently it's called the Worm moon.

The crocuses don't seem to mind the weather.

The tulips are the last bulbs to bloom in the mixed pot of bulbs that I got weeks ago. I've since been back to the garden shop and bought a variety of indoor ferns including another Rabbits Foot Fern and others. Don't the "rabbit's feet" look strange?

Thanks for taking time to visit. I appreciate your comments and would respond to every one if only there were more hours in a day. I do try to answer any questions though.



  1. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter and happy St Patrick!

  2. The shamrock rainbow sure is pretty. I hope your granddaughter has a very happy birthday. I love the beautiful crocus photo.

  3. Happy Birthday to your 19 year old leprechaun!
    You really are a plantaho;ic. :-)

  4. We don't really celebrate St. Pat's day. Our son used to own a bar called Peabody's and he put out a corned beef and cabbage dinner. We would go have dinner there but he hasn't owned it in several years so we just stay home. I've never seen a rabbit's foot plant before... it's pretty neat.

  5. No, we don't do anything special.
    Sure is nice to see those pretty blooms.

  6. Love your crocuses! Beautiful. Had green coffee today...

  7. We don't do anything special for St Patrick Day. I love ferns - those rabbit feet ones are very interesting looking!

  8. I had an aunt with a huge rabbit's foot fern - it used to freak me out with all those furry 'feet' as I used to wonder where the rabbit was and how come it had so many feet! I was only very little :)

  9. Love all your plants....even the rabbit foot one! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too!

  10. Happy St. Patrick's day! We really don't do much. Mom usually makes corned beef but we didn't have it this year.
    I've never heard of a rabbit's foot plant. It sure is unusual looking isn't it?
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Happy birthday to Graddaughter C...and hope your St. Patrick's day was a fine one.

  12. O I love your Rabbits Foot Fern. My sons also have this one.
    Hapy Birthday to your granddaughter

  13. I've heard of these rabbit foot plants but never seen one...interesting. A great conversation piece.

    Beautiful flowers

  14. Happy birthday to your grand-daughter.
    Hope you had a wonderful St Patricks Day.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  15. Funny "Plantaholik" :)))))) !!!!!

    I love the crocuses very much. They come here in the Bavarian Forest also out from the earth to the light. First greetngs of coming spring.

    The weather here is very dry and we have sand from Africa, which makes everything yellow or even read, also the snow in the mountains--

    I saw the fullmoon, too! He shines all ocver the globe, and we are connected through his special light - -

  16. I'm sorry we don't know and celebrate St.Patricks day in Germany. But I love St. Patrick! A good day for birthady - - and best wishes to your granddaughter!

  17. Ps...the spoonbill photo you see on my sidebar this week is right off the camera card. It was preening.
    See other photos of "my" birds if you click on spoonbill photo. More spoonbills & others.

  18. Happy birthday to your granddaughter. We did not do anything special for St. Patricks day. Marty worked and we had leftovers from the night before. My daughter's do the most fun things with their children though. I must say though that I do love the traditional corn beef and cabbage but was too frugal to pay the going price for corn beef this year! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. Hi, Yes the rabbits feet do look strange! Your last sentence makes me smile! Nancy
