Saturday, 28 December 2024

Christmas Days

 We had a lovely Christmas. On the 25th Kate (granddaughter) and her partner had the family over for a delicious turkey feast. Then on the 26th we had our usual family gathering here where we visited, played games, and ate too much :) . Our tradition, like our Mennonite ancestors, is to hold 2 holy days
(holidays) and we've always done so.  It seems to avoid that let-down that can happen when everything ends abruptly after the 25th.

Christmas flowers for the table


 Yesterday we started this puzzle....finished it today. It was a fun one; not too difficult and not too easy either.  DH made the puzzle board with a lip around the edge so the pieces don't slide off.

 Picked up more books from the library. The last ones I chose were disappointing so I have high hopes that I chose better ones this time.

 That's it for today. Thanks for coming by 


  1. Your turkey feast sounds lovely. I have also been struggling with finding good books lately.

  2. Pleased you had a lovely Christmas.
    Enjoy the books you've recently picked up from the library.

    Early good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan

  3. This is so good, that you did not interrupt the Christmas-mystery after the 25.
    Happy blessed family!

  4. Your Christmas sounds lovely and nice that it lasts 2 days. :)
    I started a puzzle today - a hard one!!!
    Your puzzle is a NICE one.

  5. I guess we have two days of celebration also, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Then we have recovery day.
    Sounds like you are settling in to the days of light activity during and after the winter holidays.

  6. It sounds like you had a wonderful celebration with your family over Christmas. We've had a quiet couple of days too but today Dennis helped my niece and her husband move all day and I cleaned and made food for the potluck at church tomorrow. I changed out Christmas decor for my winter snowmen that will be out until February or so.
    Love that little picture of the mice reading. I think it means your new books will be very engrossing, just as theirs seems to be. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Intruiged by title 'museum of ordinary people'. I really enjoyed 'a small bomb at Dimperly ' set just after ww2 in crumbling country house.
    Two family celebrations sounds great!

  8. That is a nice tradition to have a second meal. I hope you enjoy your books, too. I am pretty sure it was you that had bought Always Pack a Candle...I a totally bought it fir my kindle and really liked it..not one I will read again, but one I will remember.

  9. It sounds like you had a nice Christmas. It is a blessing to be with family! I hope your books are good, it is always exciting to open a new book and start reading.

  10. Happy belated Merry Christmas GM. I do hope that you and your family have a very Happy New Year. The Christmas flowers are so pretty. I had some pretty sunflowers this year and made a bouquet that I enjoyed for a while. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. It's lovely to extend the season of celebration. I didn't know that two days of celebration was Mennonite - I've always thought it was British or Canadian. Our Mennonite family extended the celebrating this year with several days of feasting and family. It's been so wonderful.
    I'm sure you enjoyed gathering at your granddaughter's home. Very pretty flowers.

  12. We also have two days at Christmas and two days at new year. We are also working hard on our puzzle !
    I wish you in advance a Happy New Year to you and your family.

  13. Sounds like a very lovely two days!

  14. Sounds just perfect! Do let us know how the books are. I am always looking for the next read, even though I have a stack I haven't yet touched!
