Monday, 16 December 2024

Laundry and a Full Moon

 Monday again and the beginning of what will probably be a busy week in many homes as we do those last minute tasks that we set for ourselves before Christmas arrives. When I think of what I did in years past, when my children were growing up, and what I do now, I feel so liberated. Years ago we cut down drastically on gift giving and also on cookie baking.  A few favourites are absolutely essential but not the many kinds I used to make.

Being Monday I'm doing laundry. Me and the automatic washing machine have our problems but laundry sure is easier than it was in my Mom's day.  Our wringer washer looked a lot like the one in the picture and in fact, the first apartment DH and I lived in had one in the basement for tenants to use. 

 More pictures of busy housewives doing laundry....

...and washing dishes.

Did you notice the full moon last night?  The December moon is called the Cold Moon.This particular one has the distinction of rising and setting at its most extreme northerly points on the horizon__the result of an 18.6 year cycle.

photo from the internet

That's it for today. I'm off to empty the dryer and fold laundry. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Happy laundry day, dear Granny Marigold!! :)
    I made my laundry day also today - each Monday like you. Next Monday maybe I'm occupied by preparing the Christmas-Tree at home and in the church. I'm not sure if my grandchildren will come this year. You are right: Better reduce the big amount of cakes and presents! When I see the nice old pictures of the house-wifes - they look like my mother - I give a great compliment! Washing dishes I still do today like on the old photo!!
    Thank you for the information about the fullmoon! It was cloudy, so I could not watch this special moon. But now I know interesting things.

  2. That's a good poster for me. I'm a work in progress.
    Laundry done. Dusting done. Tom has vaccuumed and is mopping the kitchen floor. We have more social engagements than work days this week but then the weekend will be very busy. Lists made and remade and checked off.

  3. We've got down a LOT too and it sure make the season happier.
    My mom had a washer like that.
    I have a sink like the one in the picture NOW in my kitchen. Not an original one though.
    In answer to your question about the cost of cheese. A lb of shredded mozzarella or cheddar was $3.58.

  4. In the first photo the woman might be pregnant as that is how my Aunts dressed when they were pregnant! My Mom had a wringer washer...everything got so wrinkled even when it was line dried so much of it had to be ironed. When I was in high school Mom got a new washing machine with a spinner off to the side..progress! I will bake Pumpkin Bread on Friday it is the Grands favorite!

  5. I cut back on cookie making a few years ago too. Few of my family eat them, so it became a waste. Also cut back on gifts and may cut back more as our income is so much lower than even our grandchildrens'! And even though they are adults now with jobs, only a couple of them ever give us gifts. I don't mind, and I won't feel bad when I make the decision to stop buying for them. 15 grands, 6 great grands, 4 sons and 2 daughter in-laws is just a lot of gifts.

  6. One rental cottage my husband and I lived in for a year had a wringer washer in the basement, too! I used it once, but it wasn't in very good working order, as I recall, and I mostly took my laundry to the laundromat.

    Thank you for telling us about the Cold Moon!

    Gretchen Joanna

  7. My week is pretty much a normal one. A doctor appt. for tomorrow was cancelled and re-scheduled for January. By the provider, not me! So I get to go to my crochet groups Christmas party instead. Sounds better to me. :-) I don't bake much anymore because the two of us don't need it. Dennis was diagnosed as diabetic last month so he has sworn off carbs and all sugar. He's lost 12 lbs already and he was so skinny that he really didn't need to! No fair! The doctor wanted to put him on metformin but he doesn't want drugs so he's trying to lower his blood sugar on his own. He's got such willpower. It's hereditary. His Mom is a tiny little thing and she's been diabetic for years. His siblings too, so we knew it was coming eventually.
    We had a washer like that when I was a girl. Monday was wash day and Mom would fill the washer and the two rinse tubs that were on a stand with wheels. First we'd wash the whites, then good clothes, towels, sheets, and finally Dad's work clothes. The cleanest first and the dirtiest last! I was in 10th grade when Mom finally got an automatic washer but we still had to hang everything outside in the winters frigid cold. I remember getting my fingers caught in the wringer sometimes when I was doing the laundry. I'm afraid we take our newfangled gadgets for granted until we remember those days!
    Have a lovely Tuesday my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I remember my mother's joy when she got an automatic washing machine. Friends swore by their twin tubs, but there's no comparison with an automatic in my view. Good for you cutting down the cookie baking - it's a huge amount of work!

  9. The kitchen in the first picture is so crowded! And I have to say, that child looks creepy lol

  10. A cold moon indeed, looks cold!!
    Hope you got all the chores done and had a sweet peaceful evening!

  11. I had a Burco washer in the 1960s too! It was pretty efficient.

  12. I did mounds of laundry over the weekend but there is always more to do. Our moon was covered in clouds so I didn't get a nice view. Hope you have a great week. It's food shopping and baking time here.

  13. My girls have taken over the cooking...and since there are so few of us, we don't do a lot because we cannot eat it all. I am not sure I could do what I used to do, even if there were as many people attending as used to be....but they are fond memories.

    I grew up with a wringer washer...and hanging out clothes. Sometimes I wish I had one now. LOL If I posted the photos from last weeks wash you would understand why. And I just don't have the time to put it through the cycles again. I have come to the conclusion that am going to have to take the clothes and have a water to douse them in before I put them in the washer because they just do not all get wet. And I hate to think if this was when I worked and came home really dirty, or if you had sickness where things got dirty.

  14. What a great invention the automatic washing machine, the one that did not leave wrinkles on the garments! How much effort it saved us!

  15. My mother had a wringer washer for the first years, and I remember the year she got an automatic washer. It was very exciting. I bake less than I once did, but still do a fair bit. I like to share them with neighbours and the children and grandchildren all enjoy them. The moon was very visible here in the morning - so bright and round in the pale sky.

  16. I'm so thankful for my washing machine.
    I enjoyed seeing the photographs here.

    All the best Jan

  17. I just changed my washing machine and now it is so easy I remember my mother’s washing machine in the kitchen you had to carry water to put inside.
    I also saw the moon last night.
    Now I do laundry everyday with two babies at home for Christmas so I can use my new machine!
