Friday 25 May 2018

Rhubarb and Roses

My Roses are making me so happy these days. They're not the gorgeous Tea Roses which I don't seem to have any luck with, but rather they're shrub Roses, Bonica to be exact. For some reason
the last one I bought bore that same name but as you see in the third picture it is far lighter pink, shorter too. The blooms fade as they age ( don't we all).

The rhubarb I had forgotten to post about until my sister asked me today if we'd ever gone to get some. Yes, we did, and we froze 6 Ziplock bags, made 3 small Rhubarb/apple crisps, and 3 small jars of Rhubarb/Orange jam.  Thanks to my DH's brother and his dear wife. who grow quite a row of Rhubarb and generously share.

Wishing you all a great weekend!!

               Granny Marigold


  1. Those roses are gorgeous! And I love pink! Good for you with all the yummy things you made with rhubarb! Nancy

  2. Your roses are gorgeous and all the rhubarb goodies look yummy! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Your roses are truly breathtaking! I wonder if they'd survive our prairie winters though as I googled it and they're hardy till zone 4. Lucky you with all that rhubarb! Looks delish!

  4. Your roses are beautiful. I have given up on trying to get them to grow here I havent' had rhubarb in a long time. My mom used to make a sauce out of it to put on ice cream... youm!

  5. Yummy! Your rhubarb desserts look delicious. I cut four stalks this morning.

  6. Plants thrive under your green thumbs! What a nice bunch of rhubarb! Yum!

  7. Your roses are beautiful. I have some rhubarb growing in my garden right now. : )

  8. I love roses and yours are so pretty. We have some buds on ours, so hopefully we'll be seeing some flowers next month xx

  9. Oh, those roses would make me happy too. They are beautiful! I've tried growing tea roses and had no luck at all. I've never tasted rhubarb.

  10. Your roses are beautiful! My neighbor has rhubarb...I like to make muffins:)

  11. Oh those roses are beautiful! Yes, they surely would make me smile! I love rhubarb. A dear friend gave me a bucket full last spring. I vac sealed it all so it is still good. I love all things rhubarb, pies cakes,muffins and crisps - yum! Enjoyed your lovely post.

  12. I love rhubarb so much, and miss having it down here where it's too hot for it. They sell a bit at the stores, but it's just not the same as having an old plant of it in the garden. Yours looks great!

  13. The roses are beautiful! I have about 100 lbs of rhubarb in the freezer, mostly all for jam of course. I should make a paleo crumble out of some....

  14. Rhubarb desserts are so yummy AND pretty! My Irish son-in-law brought us a rhubarb pie about 25 years ago the first time he came to dinner, and my daughter has learned to make rhubarb this and that for his pleasure ever since.
