Friday, 20 March 2020

My Day

The grands are not in school now as it is Spring break but after the break schools will continue to be
closed until further notice.  One benefit having all this free time is that old games that rarely get played come out, like Chinese Checkers.   M and his Grandad played a couple of games then I took over while Grandad had a nap. We also played Snakes & Ladders and tic-tac-toe.

We went on our morning walk and a house that was taken down just days ago is now all cleaned up and ready for a new one to be built.  No doubt it will be another huge  million dollar  home like the one next door to the empty lot.

We saw a few Robins and this one very obligingly let me take his picture.

I spent some time outside in the afternoon, just puttering. Came in and baked bread, made soup for supper.  I'm determined to use this time of  staying away from stores as much as possible to use up all the containers of this and that in the fridge and freezer. Also my cans of beans, soups, etc.. I think it's a good idea to use it all up and eventually, when we can go shopping again, to restock and put everything away in newly washed cupboards.  Hopefully that's how it will be. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for visiting. I couldn't resist this little sign...   G.M.


  1. This sunny weather has lifted spirits. That sign is so true.

  2. I think you have a good plan. I've rotated the canned items in our cupboards to use the oldest first. Soup and breads sound lovely.
    I worry about older people too. So many aren't taking it seriously and are going on with life as usual with no thought to the germs that are passed on. And then I realize that we are quickly becoming those elderly people too!
    Be careful.

  3. When I was a child I often stayed with my Nana during school holidays and we nearly always played Chinese Checkers in the evening (no TV in those days). You are making wonderful memories with your Grandies that they will treasure later in life :)

  4. whats old is new again for a new generation. Maybe the board game will come back, and family time...who knows? Go to snowcatcher blog, a link on my sidebar. Look at the Friday posts, there are some funnies in there, just what we need now to make us laugh. Stay well dear GM....

  5. That is good you are seeing your grandkids...and a good idea about using up what you have and starting fresh.

  6. I used to play Chinese Checkers:) Loved the sound of the marbles inside the tin! Stay safe and enjoy the little special moments!

  7. Yeah! I thought the elderly had to be at least 80! Then Gretchen said SHE was one of the elderly! Pretty sure I'm older than her! :) Keep up the good cooking. Hugs from the back woods of Minnesota! :)

  8. Those houses are HUGE! That's a lot of cleaning for the occupants. I really want to bake but we don't need baked goods. Maybe I'll just add muffins to some of our meals. Take care, GM!

  9. Haha! Your sign about the elderly captures the surprise I feel over recent societal categories. I realize that 50 years ago I would have been considered elderly, but in the 21st century I thought I might not have reached that stage yet!!!

    That robin was friendly indeed to let you take his picture full in the face :-)

    It's wonderful that you can still be with your grandchildren during this time and not be separated from *everyone* you love.

  10. Enjoy playing Chinese checkers and we play it often.
    We are doing the same thing using up food from the freezer!!
    I've tried to get a picture of a Robin but they always fly away so fast. Good job getting a good picture of one.

    1. Are you sure that game isn't Chutes and Ladders??? :)

    2. Diane, my game is so old it has snakes. I didn't even know there was an updated one with chutes. Have you actually seen one for sale?

    3. Ha.....when I was little we always played a game called Chutes and Ladders. I dislike snakes so much....I guess I wouldn't be playing that game! You would climb up the ladders and slide down the chutes on the board. It was fun.

  11. The good old board games are nice! I had to laugh when I read the sign. I had that moment when I read about who was "at risk", elderly people over 65 years old! I am 66 and didn't think of me as elderly! In these hard days it is good to see something that makes us laugh. Stay safe and take care!

  12. What a blessing to have these times with your grandchildren with school being out. And I like your idea about using up all that you've had stored away and being able, in time, to replenish it with new. We are well stocked because it appears, if we use China as a guideline, that this could go on for months. We are doing our part by staying in. We still take our walks, but other than that we are in. A good time to work on some projects that I have kept putting off. :) And I laughed out loud when I read the image you posted at the end. :) Hope you have a great week ahead!

  13. Love your Robin picture! That one is worth framing! We are hunkered down here,too. I am very afraid of this pandemic,the unknown is scary.

  14. Enjoying your new Blogpost I want to say, that this is a very good idea - and Dianna said it like I feel:

    What a blessing to have these times with your grandchildren with school being out. And I like your idea about using up all that you've had stored away and being able, in time, to replenish it with new.

    Here we also have no school for pupils, all stay at home as good as possible. I think to go shopping is a risk in these times. It is very quiet, and the same time I am in a lot of questions and in a permanent meditation. It's a time of new experience and going more sensitive and slowly. And like Dianna says:

    A good time to work on some projects that I have kept putting off.

    I like the photo of grandpa and grandchild VERY much!

    Many greetings and blessings from the Bavarian Forest. How many happy springs once more we will see?

  15. We've had some nice weather and sun shiny days. Me and the hubs actually organized our clothes closet on Saturday morning. I had two large black garbage bags of clothing and shoes to donate. I still have things to go through too. But it was a chore needing to be done for sure. It surely is sweet to have the grands isn't it? Trusting the Lord through this mess. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Thank you GM. Scented geraniums are hard to find locslly. The first one I ever bought I found locally, then I couldn't find them again,so I ordered them online each year. I try to keep it over winter it gets so leggy like you said, and they don't flower,but it just smells so nicr, lemon and rose...

  17. Ha ha, that is a bit startling to realize that they are talking about us now. Yikes!
    I love your photo of granddad and granddaughter spending time together. What a wonderful experience for both of them. We are enjoying a visit from our 6 year old grandson this week.
    It's great to see those robins.

  18. Oh, you too, huh? It was nice to hear I can go to the grocery store during the special elderly hour! Thankfully, I'm well-stocked on most items, so I, too, can avoid stores for a while. I do need one thing, but it takes only a few minutes to walk in, see there is none, then walk back out. :)

  19. That sounds like an excellent plan for the pantry!! We don't have a lot of extra because we have a small kitchen. But we're using up stuff too!
